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SQL Server Compact 4.0 vs. SQLite

I'm interested in choosing an embedded DB engine for my WPF app. I would like information on how SQLite and latest SQL CE 4.0 compare. And if I should choose one over the other. Points of interest would be ORM support with EF4's CTP & NHibernate 3.

Thanks in advance!

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AVP06 Avatar asked Jan 29 '11 20:01


People also ask

Which is better SQLite or SQL Server?

SQLite is generally a lot faster than SQL Server. However, SQLite only supports a single writer at a time (meaning the execution of an individual transaction). SQLite locks the entire database when it needs a lock (either read or write) and only one writer can hold a write lock at a time.

What is the difference between SQL Server and SQLite?

Microsoft SQL Server is a powerful, full featured SQL system that supports entire ecosystems. While SQLite is a light-weight database meant to be embedded into end programs. SQLite is often useful even to SQL Server professionals when they need to create smaller databases without a full server setup to support.

Is SQL Server Compact deprecated?

In February 2013, Microsoft announced that SQL Server Compact Edition had been deprecated. Although no new versions or updates are planned, Microsoft will continue to support SQL Compact through their standard lifecycle support policy. Extended support for SQL Server Compact 4.0 ended on July 13, 2021.

What replaced SQL Server Compact?

There are three alternatives to Microsoft SQL Server Compact for a variety of platforms, including Windows,. NET Framework, Android, iPhone and Linux. The best alternative is SQLite, which is both free and Open Source. Other great apps like Microsoft SQL Server Compact are CompactView and SQL Compact Query Analyzer.

1 Answers

See this answer: Database functionality with WPF app: SQLite, SQL CE, other? - SQL Compact 4 has full support for Entity Framework, Linq to SQL - Includes all neccesary file for private deployment - has good tools support in Visual Studio 2010 and 2012 - has a smooth migration path to SQL Server

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ErikEJ Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 09:09
