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SQL Server Collation Choices

I've spent a lot of time this evening trying to find guidance about which choice of collation to apply in my SQL Server 2008 R2 installation, but almost everything online basically says "choose what is right for you." Extremely unhelpful.

My context is new application development. I am not worrying about backward compatibility with a prior version of SQL Server (viz. <= 2005). I am very interested in storing data representing languages from around the globe - not just Latin based. What very little help I've found online suggests I should avoid all "SQL_" collations. This narrows my choice to using either a binary or "not binary" collation based on the Windows locale.

If I use binary, I gather I should use "BIN2." So this is my question. How do I determine whether I should use BIN2 or just "Latin1_General_100_XX_XX_XX"? My spider-sense tells me that BIN2 will provide collation that is "less accurate," but more generic for all languages (and fast!). I also suspect the binary collation is case sensitive, accent sensitive, and kana-sensitive (yes?). In contrast, I suspect the non-binary collation would work best for Latin-based languages.

The documentation doesn't support my claims above, I'm making educated guesses. But this is the problem! Why is the online documentation so thin that the choice is left to guesswork? Even the book "SQL Server 2008 Internals" discussed the variety of choices, without explaining why and when binary collation would be chosen (compared with non-binary windows collation). Criminy!!!

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Brent Arias Avatar asked May 31 '11 01:05

Brent Arias

People also ask

Which collation is best in SQL Server?

However here are the settings we typically recommend: Set the default collation to SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. Ensure that you have SQL Server running in Case Insensitive mode. We use NCHAR, NVARCHAR string types so all data is unicode, so no character set is specified.

What is the difference between SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS and Latin1_General_CI_AS?

The SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS collation is a SQL collation and the rules around sorting data for unicode and non-unicode data are different. The Latin1_General_CI_AS collation is a Windows collation and the rules around sorting unicode and non-unicode data are the same.

What does it mean by the As in the default collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS?

If we apply a case sensitive clause to a column, then for example, 'a' and 'A', will be different. But in the case of case insensitive, irrespective of any character or string, it will work. By default, the collate clause will take SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS (case insensitive).

Which utf8 collation should I use?

If you elect to use UTF-8 as your collation, always use utf8mb4 (specifically utf8mb4_unicode_ci). You should not use UTF-8 because MySQL's UTF-8 is different from proper UTF-8 encoding. This is the case because it doesn't offer full unicode support which can lead to data loss or security issues.

1 Answers

"SQL Server 2008 Internals" has a good discussion on the topic imho.

Binary collation is tricky, if you intend to support text search for human beings, you'd better go with non-binary. Binary is good to gain a tiny bit of performance if you have tuned everything else (architecture first) and in cases where case sensitivity and accent sensitivity are a desired behavior, like password hashes for instance. Binary collation is actually "more precise" in a sense that it does not consider similar texts. The sort orders you get out of there are good for machines only though.

There is only a slight difference between the SQL_* collations and the native windows ones. If you're not constrained with compatibility, go for the native ones as they are the way forward afaik.

Collation decides sort order and equality. You choose, what really best suits your users. It's understood that you will use the unicode types (like nvarchar) for your data to support international text. Collation affects what can be stored in a non-unicode column, which does not affect you then.

What really matters is that you avoid mixing collations in WHERE clause because that's where you pay the fine by not using indexes. Afaik there's no silver bullet collation to support all languages. You can either choose one for the majority of your users or go into localization support with different column for each language.

One important thing is to have the server collation the same as your database collation. It will make your life much easier if you plan to use temporary tables as temporary tables if created with "CREATE TABLE #ttt..." pick up the server collation and you'd run into collation conflicts which you'll need to solve with specifying an explicit collation. This has a performance impact too.

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Robert Cutajar Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 20:10

Robert Cutajar