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SQL Server 2000, yes 2000 password hash

I need to store a password has in a SQL server 2000 database. The information isn't critical but I really don't want to store the password in clear text. How can I get a unique hash (sha, sha1, md5, etc) in SQL server 2000 as HashBytes isn't available.

I'm not looking for compiled DLL or the ilk, I dont have access to the server, needs to be pure MS SQL.

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Justin808 Avatar asked May 05 '10 02:05


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1 Answers

There are undocumented (until later versions) functions in MS SQL Server 2000 called pwdencrypt() and pwdcompare().

See this blog: Undocumented SQL Server 2000 Functions

Or on MSDN books online:


However, this function has been known to be insecure since at least 2002. For some details see "Cracking MS SQL Server passwords" at TheRegister. I guess that's why it got replaced by Hashbytes.

If you can't upgrade your SQL Server instance or use any add-ons, this might be the best you can do. Unless you hash the password in application code and store the resulting digest string, leaving the SQL Server out of the loop.

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Bill Karwin Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 23:10

Bill Karwin