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SQL - select parent and child records in an order

I got a table which has both question Id and parent question ids in the same table as :

QUES_ID | Ques_Txt  | Parent_Ques_Id
     97  |  X       | NULL
     101 |  Y       | NULL
     115 |  Z       | NULL
     198 |  A       | 97
     302 |  B       | 97
     151 |  C       | 101
     91  |  D       | 115
   1110  |  E       | 115
   1111  |  F       | 115

Now, I want to get a result set as follows in the following order:

QUES_ID | Ques_Txt  | Parent_Ques_Id
     97  |  X       | NULL
     198 |  A       | 97
     302 |  B       | 97
     101 |  Y       | NULL
     151 |  C       | 101
     115 |  Z       | NULL         
     91  |  D       | 115
   1110  |  E       | 115
   1111  |  F       | 115

Having parent question listed right above the child question, I have researched for a similar query but all i found is how to display parent-child records using left joins or CTEs, but not in the order that I'm looking for as in the above table. Can any one help, I'm still learning.

like image 1000
James Avatar asked Jan 03 '23 05:01


2 Answers

You can do this using a trick with coalesce:

select *
from t
order by coalesce(parent_ques_id, ques_id), parent_ques_id, ques_id

Sorting logic would be:

  1. Sort all parent-child relations one after another (97, 101, 115) coalesce(parent_ques_id, ques_id) - assign a parent it's own id (instead of null) to be sorted with his children
  2. Make parent appear on top of each group parent_ques_id - nulls sort before values in ASC order as default (in SQL Server)
  3. Sort children by their id ques_id
like image 53
Kamil Gosciminski Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 18:01

Kamil Gosciminski

Use order by clause :

order by (case when Parent_Ques_Id is null 
               then QUES_ID else Parent_Ques_Id end), Parent_Ques_Id, QUES_ID;
like image 37
Yogesh Sharma Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 17:01

Yogesh Sharma