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SQL: Remove part of the string from all the entries returned by the SELECT statement

The following is the select statement that returns all the URL's containing a %20 (space) at the end of it:

select * from Table1 where Column1 like '%%20'

How can the '%20' be removed from all these URLs using SQL?

Edit 1:

Is there a way to remove '%20' only if it is found in the end of the URL (saving all other instances on '%20' in the URL)?

like image 906
Yash Saraiya Avatar asked Mar 09 '17 07:03

Yash Saraiya

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1 Answers

This is simple. I assume that you are using Microsoft SQL Server. Try the following:

 Select SUBSTRING(Column1,  0, Len(Column1) - 2) As Column1, Column2 
 From Table1 where Column1 like '%[%]20'

In above, I've selected Column1 and %20 will be removed from the end of Column1 and selected Column2 as well. You can select all your columns.

like image 62
Muhammad Qasim Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 20:10

Muhammad Qasim