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SQL querying dataframes inside list

Given the dataframes

df1 <- data.frame(CustomerId=c(1:6),Product=c(rep("Toaster",3),rep("Radio",3)))
df2 <- data.frame(CustomerId=c(2,4,6),State=c(rep("Alabama",2),rep("Ohio",1)))

are stored in a list

dflist <- c(df1,df2)

how do I run sqldf queries (joins) on these dataframes?

Failed attempts:

test <- sqldf("select a.CustomerId, a.Product, b.State from dflist[1] a
          inner join dflist[2] b on b.id = a.id")

test <- sqldf("select a.CustomerId, a.Product, b.State from dflist$df1 a
          inner join dflist$df2 b on b.CustomerId = a.CustomerId")
like image 974
dmvianna Avatar asked Dec 20 '22 16:12


1 Answers

If you copy your data.frames from the list to a new environment, then you can use the envir argument to sqldf or by naming the elements of the list, and using with.

Note a couple of things:

  • I create dflist using list not c.

note the difference

##List of 4
## $ CustomerId: int [1:6] 1 2 3 4 5 6
## $ Product   : Factor w/ 2 levels "Radio","Toaster": 2 2 2 1 1 1
## $ CustomerId: num [1:3] 2 4 6
## $ State     : Factor w/ 2 levels "Alabama","Ohio": 1 1 2

##List of 2
## $ :'data.frame': 6 obs. of  2 variables:
##  ..$ CustomerId: int [1:6] 1 2 3 4 5 6
##  ..$ Product   : Factor w/ 2 levels "Radio","Toaster": 2 2 2 1 1 1
## $ :'data.frame': 3 obs. of  2 variables:
##  ..$ CustomerId: num [1:3] 2 4 6
##  ..$ State     : Factor w/ 2 levels "Alabama","Ohio": 1 1 2
  • I have adjusted the sql queries to reflect the names within the data.frames (as per your second approach)

the named data

dflist <- list(df1,df2)
names(dflist) <- c('df1','df2')

Create a new environment to work in

# create a new environment

e <- new.env()
# assign the elements of dflist to this new environment
for(.x in names(dflist)){
  assign(value = dflist[[.x]], x=.x, envir = e)

# this could also be done using mapply / lapply
# eg
# invisible(mapply(assign, value = dflist, x = names(dflist), MoreArgs =list(envir = e)))
# run the sql query
sqldf("select a.CustomerId, a.Product, b.State from df1 a
          inner join df2 b on b.CustomerId = a.CustomerId", envir = e)

##  CustomerId Product   State
## 1          2 Toaster Alabama
## 2          4   Radio Alabama
## 3          6   Radio    Ohio

A simpler approach using with

you could simply use with which evalulates locally (important that dflist is a named list here)

# this is far simpler!!
with(dflist,sqldf("select a.CustomerId, a.Product, b.State from df1 a
           inner join df2 b on b.CustomerId = a.CustomerId"))

Another simple approach using proto

  • Thanks to @G.Grothendieck (see the comments

This uses the proto package which is loaded with sqldf

dflist <- list(a = df1, b = df2)
sqldf( "select a.CustomerId, a.Product, b.State from df1 a 
         inner join df2 b on b.CustomerId = a.CustomerId", 
         envir = as.proto(dflist))

Using data.table

Or you could use data.table which gives sql-like approaches (see FAQ 2.16)

dflist <- list(data.table(df1),data.table(df2))
names(dflist) <- c('df1','df2')
invisible(lapply(dflist, setkeyv, 'CustomerId'))
with(dflist, df1[df2])
##    CustomerId Product   State
## 1:          2 Toaster Alabama
## 2:          4   Radio Alabama
## 3:          6   Radio    Ohio
like image 199
mnel Avatar answered Jan 24 '23 10:01
