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SQL query - multiple COUNT on same column with different values from nested SELECT query

I'm struggling with the correct SQL syntax to return counts of a particular value in one column.

This query works (probably incorrect syntax, but SQL Server 2008 seems happy)

SELECT StudentID, count(UnApproved)as Late, count(Unapproved) as Absent from results
WHERE unapproved=1 and StudentID in 
    SELECT studentid  FROM [Results] 
    WHERE StudentYearLevel='10' and Date > 20130101) group by StudentID

Of course, both Late and Absent columns return the same values because of where the 'where' is.

So what this is doing is (from the right) determining the IDs of students who are members of "Year 10".

Then, for each student ID returned, I need it to return the count of unapproved absences recorded where the type of unapproved absence is 1 and in the next column, also return the count of unapproved absences where the type is 2.

If I try to submit the query like so:-

SELECT StudentID, count(UnApproved)as Late where unapproved=2, count(Unapproved) as Absent from results 
where unapproved=1 and StudentID in 
    SELECT studentid  FROM [Results] where StudentYearLevel='10' and Date > 20130101
group by StudentID

SQL Server cracks it, and underlines almost the entire query in red.

I need to end up these three columns:-

StudentID | Late | Absent

And the three columns having student IDs with the appropriate counts.

I can do most basic select queries, but when it comes to nested queries, unions, joins, inners I'm out of my depth. Any help would be most appreciated. By no means am I sure my (working) query is in any way correctly structured, 'coz I'm a hack at this.

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MarkFromAus Avatar asked Feb 04 '13 00:02


People also ask

How do I get counts of different values in the same column in SQL?

To count the number of different values that are stored in a given column, you simply need to designate the column you pass in to the COUNT function as DISTINCT . When given a column, COUNT returns the number of values in that column. Combining this with DISTINCT returns only the number of unique (and non-NULL) values.

How do I count different values in SQL?

The COUNT DISTINCT function returns the number of unique values in the column or expression, as the following example shows. SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT item_num) FROM items; If the COUNT DISTINCT function encounters NULL values, it ignores them unless every value in the specified column is NULL.

Can you put a select statement in a count?

You can use the SQL SELECT statement with the COUNT() function to select and display the count of rows in a table of a database.

1 Answers

SELECT StudentID, 
SUM(case when Unapproved =1 then 1 else 0 end) as Late, 
SUM(case when Unapproved =2 then 1 else 0 end) as Absent 
from results where 
StudentID in (SELECT studentid FROM [Results] where StudentYearLevel='10' and Date > 20130101) 
group by StudentID
like image 94
Raphaël Althaus Avatar answered Jan 08 '23 20:01

Raphaël Althaus