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How to update an xml attribute value in an xml variable using t-sql?

Let's have a sample snippet:

<a abb="122">
SELECT @xml;

--need to update abb to be 344 in @xml here

SELECT @xml;

I don't know how to update that attribute abb's value.

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Nam G VU Avatar asked Mar 17 '11 11:03

Nam G VU

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To update data in an XML column, use the SQL UPDATE statement. Include a WHERE clause when you want to update specific rows. The entire column value will be replaced. The input to the XML column must be a well-formed XML document.

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1 Answers

set @xml.modify('replace value of (/a/@abb)[1] with 344')

Read more about it here. XML Data Modification Language (XML DML)

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Mikael Eriksson Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 00:11

Mikael Eriksson