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Dapper map multiple joins Sql Query

I want to map complex object to dapper result from query which has two inner joins. I know we've solution to map one inner join but I want to map two inner joins result.

Here is the Scenario:

My Classes are:

public class Order 
    public int id { get; set; }
    public string order_reference { get; set; }
    public string order_status { get; set; }
    public List<OrderLine> OrderLines { get; set; }

public class OrderLine
    public int id { get; set; }
    public int order_id { get; set; }
    public string product_number { get; set; }
    public List<OrderLineSize> OrderLineSizes { get; set; }

public class OrderLineSize
    public int id { get; set; }
    public int order_line_id { get; set; }
    public string size_name { get; set; }

Order has OrderLines as List and OrderLine as OrderLineSizes as List.

Now, Here is my query base on that I want to populate List<Order> with correct data:

FROM orders_mstr o
INNER JOIN order_lines ol ON o.id = ol.order_id
INNER JOIN order_line_size_relations ols ON ol.id = ols.order_line_id

Here is what I tried so far:

var lookup = new Dictionary<int, Order>();
            connection.Query<Order, OrderLine, Order>(@"
                    SELECT o.*, ol.*
                    FROM orders_mstr o
                    INNER JOIN order_lines ol ON o.id = ol.order_id                    
                    ", (o, ol) => {
                    Order orderDetail;
                    if (!lookup.TryGetValue(o.id, out orderDetail))
                        lookup.Add(o.id, orderDetail = o);
                    if (orderDetail.OrderLines == null)
                        orderDetail.OrderLines = new List<OrderLine>();
                    return orderDetail;

            var resultList = lookup.Values;

Using this, I can successfully map order object with OrderLine but I want to populate OrderLineSizes as well with correct data.

like image 429
Saadi Avatar asked May 15 '17 07:05


People also ask

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Dapper has great performance because it doesn't translate queries that we write in . NET to SQL. It is important to know that Dapper is SQL Injection safe because we can use parameterized queries, and that's something we should always do. One more important thing is that Dapper supports multiple database providers.

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2 Answers

I tried my best and solve it.

Here is the more easy and accurate solution as per me.:

var lookup = new Dictionary<int, OrderDetail>();
            var lookup2 = new Dictionary<int, OrderLine>();
            connection.Query<OrderDetail, OrderLine, OrderLineSize, OrderDetail>(@"
                    SELECT o.*, ol.*, ols.*
                    FROM orders_mstr o
                    INNER JOIN order_lines ol ON o.id = ol.order_id
                    INNER JOIN order_line_size_relations ols ON ol.id = ols.order_line_id           
                    ", (o, ol, ols) =>
                OrderDetail orderDetail;
                if (!lookup.TryGetValue(o.id, out orderDetail))
                    lookup.Add(o.id, orderDetail = o);
                OrderLine orderLine;
                if (!lookup2.TryGetValue(ol.id, out orderLine))
                    lookup2.Add(ol.id, orderLine = ol);
                return orderDetail;

            var resultList = lookup.Values.ToList();
like image 187
Saadi Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 16:11


I don't know what is class 'OrderDetail' you don't provide it so I used Order class.
This can also be done by QueryMultiple but because your question includes INNER JOIN I don't use it.

public Dictionary<int, Order> GetOrderLookup()
    var lookup = new Dictionary<int, Order>();

    const string sql = @"   SELECT  o.id,


                            FROM    orders_mstr o
                            JOIN    order_lines ol ON o.id = ol.order_id
                            JOIN    order_line_size_relations ols ON ol.id = ols.order_line_id";

    List<Order> orders = null;
    using (var connection = OpenConnection(_connectionString))
        orders = connection.Query<Order, OrderLine, OrderLineSize, Order>(sql, (order, orderLine, orderLizeSize) =>
            orderLine.OrderLineSizes = new List<OrderLineSize> { orderLizeSize };
            order.OrderLines = new List<OrderLine>() { orderLine };
            return order;
        null, commandType: CommandType.Text).ToList();

    if (orders == null || orders.Count == 0)
        return lookup;

    foreach (var order in orders)
        var contians = lookup.ContainsKey(order.id);
        if (contians)
            var newLinesToAdd = new List<OrderLine>();
            var existsLines = lookup[order.id].OrderLines;
            foreach (var existsLine in existsLines)
                foreach (var newLine in order.OrderLines)
                    if (existsLine.id == newLine.id)
            lookup.Add(order.id, order);

    return lookup;
like image 36
Daniel Tshuva Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 16:11

Daniel Tshuva