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SQL query in Pro-C fails with Error:02115

I am getting some weird behavior of Pro-C procedure as shown below:

#define BGHCPY_TO_ORA(dest, source) \
{ \
(void)strcpy((void*)(dest).arr, (void*)(source)); \
(dest).len = strlen((const char *)(dest).arr); \
#define BGHCPY_FROM_ORA(dest, source) \
{ \
(void)memcpy((void*)(dest), (void*)(source).arr, (size_t)(source).len); \
(dest)[(source).len] = '\0'; \

long fnSQLMarkProcessed (char *pszRowId, char *pszMarker)
  BGHCPY_TO_ORA (O_rowid_stack,    pszRowId);
  BGHCPY_TO_ORA (O_cust_processed, pszMarker);

       UPDATE  document_all
          SET  processed_by_bgh = :O_cust_processed
        WHERE  rowid = :O_rowid_stack;

  return (sqlca.sqlcode);

The input arguments values passed to above function is

pszRowId = [AAAF1lAAIAABOoRAAB], pszMarker=X

The query return the error code:02115 with following message:

SQL Error:02115 Code interpretation problem -- check COMMON_NAME usage

I am using Oracle as the backend database.

Can anyone provide me information on what are the possible causes for this failed query?

Any help is highly appreciated.

Flags used during PRO-C Compilation is defined below:

------/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.6/ORACLE_HOME/bin/proc `echo  -Dbscs5 -Dsun5 -I/export/home/bscsobw/bscs6/src/CoreDumpIssue/final_Code_Fix_004641  -DNDEBUG -DSunOS53 -D_POSIX_4SOURCES -I/usr/generic++/generic++  -DFEATURE_212298 -DBSCS_CONFIG -I/export/home/bscsobw/bscs6//src/bat/include -DFEATURE_00203808_GMD -DFEATURE_00241737  -DORACLE_DB_BRAND -I/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.6/ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/demo -I/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.6/ORACLE_HOME/precomp/public -I/export/home/bscsobw/bscs6/src/CoreDumpIssue/final_Code_Fix_004641/include -I../bat/include -DFEATURE61717 -DFEATURE52824 -DFEATURE56178 -DD236312_d -DSDP -g | sed -e 's/-I/INCLUDE=/g' -e 's/-D[^ ]=[^ ]*//g' -e 's/-D\([^ ]*\)/DEFINE=\1/g'` select_error=no   DEFINE=FEATURE61717 DEFINE=FEATURE52824 DEFINE=FEATURE56178 \
                lines=yes iname=bgh_esql.pc oname=bgh_esql.c lname=bgh_esql.lis
like image 824
Saurabh Verma Avatar asked May 15 '15 03:05

Saurabh Verma

1 Answers

I think, you check this message:

[oracle@sb-rac02 ~]$ oerr sql 2115
02115, 00000, "Code interpretation problem -- check COMMON_NAME usage"
// *Cause: With PRO*FORTRAN, this error occurs if the precompiler option
//         COMMON_NAME is specified incorrectly.  **With other Oracle
//         Precompilers, this error occurs when the precompiler cannot
//         generate a section of code.**
// *Action: With Pro*FORTRAN, when using COMMON_NAME to precompile two or
//          more source modules, make sure to specify a different common name
//          for each module.  With other Oracle Precompilers, if the error
//          persists, call customer support for assistance.

So you can determine, that problem not in your variables.

Please, try use your code like this:

long fnSQLMarkProcessed (char *pszRowId, char *pszMarker)
  BGHCPY_TO_ORA (O_rowid_stack,    pszRowId);
  BGHCPY_TO_ORA (O_cust_processed, pszMarker);

  EXEC SQL UPDATE  document_all
          SET  processed_by_bgh = :O_cust_processed
        WHERE  rowid = :O_rowid_stack;

  return (sqlca.sqlcode);
like image 88
uudecode Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 07:10
