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SQL query for finding the longest name and shortest name in a table



I have a table with one of the columns is of type varchar(city). and want to find the longest and shortest of values stored in that column.

select a.city, a.city_length from (select city, char_length(city) city_length  from station order by city, city_length) a where a.city_length = (select min(a.city_length) from a) or       a.city_length = (select max(a.city_length) from a) group by a.city_length; 

Can anyone help? Thanks

One solution:

select * from (select city, char_length(city) city_length from station order by city, city_length) a group by a.city_length order by a.city_length limit 1; select * from (select city, char_length(city) city_length from station order by city, city_length) a group by a.city_length order by a.city_length desc limit 1; 
like image 861
Michael Xu Avatar asked Feb 14 '16 20:02

Michael Xu

People also ask

How do you select the shortest and longest name in SQL?

The shortest firstName :(SELECT min(len(<string_column>)) FROM<table_name> ) ; Example : SELECT TOP 1 * FROM friends WHERE len(firstName) = (SELECT min(len(firstName)) FROM friends);

How do you find the maximum and minimum length of a string in SQL?

SQL Server databases use LEN or DATALENGTH to find field width. It also has its own function to find the maximum length of a column – COL_LENGTH. SELECT MIN(LENGTH(<column_name>)) AS MinColumnLength FROM Table; If we include any non-aggregate functions into our query then we need a GROUP BY clause.

1 Answers

I don’t think that we need to use Min and Max functions and Group by is also not required.

We can achieve this using the below code:

select top 1 City, LEN(City) City_Length from STATION order by City_Length ASC,City ASC  select top 1 CITY, LEN(city) City_Length from station order by City_Length desc, City ASC 

but in this case, it will display output in 2 table and if we would like to combine in a single table then we can use Union or Union ALL. Below is the SQL query for the same

  select * from (      select top 1 City, LEN(City) City_Length from STATION order by City_Length ASC,City ASC) TblMin    UNION    select * from (    select top 1 CITY, LEN(city) City_Length from STATION order by City_Length desc, City ASC) TblMax 

here I am nesting the select statement inside a subquery because when we are using order by clause then we cannot use Union or Union ALL directly that is why I have written it inside a subquery.

like image 199
Banketeshvar Narayan Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09

Banketeshvar Narayan