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SQL Performance, .Net Optimizations vs Best Practices

I need confirmation/explanation from you pros/gurus with the following because my team is telling me "it doesn't matter" and it's fustrating me :)

Background: We have a SQL Server 2008 that is being used by our main MVC3 / .Net4 web app. We have about 200+ concurrent users at any given point. The server is being hit EXTREMELY hard (locks, timeouts, overall slowness) and I'm trying to apply things i learned throughout my career and at my last MS certification class. They are things we've all been drilled on ("close SQL connections STAT") and I'm trying to explain to my team that these 'little things", though not one alone makes a difference, adds up in the end.

I need to know if the following do have a performance impact or if it's just 'best practice'

1. Using "USING" keyword. Most of their code is like this:

public string SomeMethod(string x, string y) {
    SomethingDataContext dc = new SomethingDataContext();
    var x = dc.StoredProcedure(x, y);

While I'm trying to tell them that USING closes/frees up resources faster:

using (SomethingDataContext dc = new SomethingDataContext()) {
    var x = dc.StoredProcedure(x, y);

Their argument is that the GC does a good enough job cleaning up after the code is done executing, so USING doesn't have a huge impact. True or false and why?

2. Connection Pools

I always heard setting up connection pools can significantly speed up any website (at least .Net w/ MSSQL). I recommended we add the following to our connectionstrings in the web.config:

..."Pooling=True;Min Pool Size=3;Max Pool Size=100;Connection Timeout=10;"...

Their argument is that .Net/MSSQL already sets up the connection pools behind the scenes and is not necessary to put in our web.config. True or false? Why does every other site say pooling should be added for optimal performance if it's already setup?

3. Minimize # of calls to DB

The Role/Membership provider that comes with the default .Net MVC project is nice - it's handy and does most of the legwork for you. But these guys are making serious use of UsersInRoles() and use it freely like a global variable (it hits the DB everytime this method is called). I created a "user object" that loads all the roles upfront on every pageload (along with some other user stuff, such as GUIDs, etc) and then query this object for if the user has the Role.

Other parts of the website have FOR statements that loop over 200 times and do 20-30 sql queries on every pass = over 4,000 database calls. It somehow does this in a matter of seconds, but what I want to do is consolidate the 20-30 DB calls into one, so that it makes ONE call 200 times (each loop). But because SQL profiler says the query took "0 seconds", they're argument is it's so fast and small that the servers can handle these high number of DB queries.

My thinking is "yeah, these queries are running fast, but they're killing the overall SQL server's performance." Could this be a contributing factor? Am I worrying about nothing, or is this a (significant) contributing factor to the server's overall performance issues?

4. Other code optimizations

The first one that comes to mind is using StringBuilder vs a simple string variable. I understand why I should use StringBuilder (especially in loops), but they say it doesn't matter - even if they need to write 10k+ lines, their argument is that the performance gain doesn't matter.

So all-in-all, are all the things we learn and have drilled into us ("minimize scope!") just 'best practice' with no real performance gain or do they all contribute to a REAL/measurable performance loss?

EDIT*** Thanks guys for all your answers! I have a new (5th) question based on your answers: They in fact do not use "USING", so what does that mean is happening? If there is connection pooling happening automatically, is it tying up connections from the pool until the GC comes around? Is it possible each open connection to the SQL server is adding a little more burden to the server and slowing it down?

Based on your suggestions, I plan on doing some serious benchmarking/logging of connection times because I suspect that a) the server is slow, b) they aren't closing connections and c) Profiler is saying it ran in 0 seconds, the slowness might be coming from the connection.

I really appreciate your help guys. THanks again

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Losbear Avatar asked Feb 13 '13 22:02


2 Answers

Branch the code, make your changes & benchmark+profile it against the current codebase. Then you'll have some proof to back up your claims.

As for your questions, here goes:

  1. You should always manually dispose of classes which implement IDisposable, the GC won't actually call dispose however if the class also implements a finalizer then it will call the finalizer however in most implementations they only clean up unmanaged resources.

  2. It's true that the .NET framework already does connection pooling, I'm not sure what the defaults are but the connection string values would just be there to allow you to alter them.

  3. The execution time of the SQL statement is only part of the story, in SQL profiler all you will see is how long the database engine took to execute the query, what you're missing there is the time it takes the web server to connect to and receive the results from the database server so while the query may be quick, you can save on a lot of IO & network latency by batching queries.

  4. This one is a good one to do some profiling on to prove the extra memory used by concatenation over string builders.

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Trevor Pilley Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 07:09

Trevor Pilley

Oye. For sure, you can't let GC close your database connections for you. GC might not happen for a LONG time...sometimes hours later. It doesn't happen right away as soon as a variable goes out of scope. Most people use the IDisposable using() { } syntax, which is great, but at the very least something, somewhere needs to be calling connection.Close()

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Al W Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 07:09

Al W