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SQL logic error or missing database no such table when deleting from database




My connection:

Public con As SQLiteConnection = New SQLiteConnection("Data Source=trancebeats.s3db")

and I open connection when form load

Insert new value:

Public Sub InsertNewCatSub()
        prUpdate.Value = 0
        prUpdate.Maximum = 1
        lblUpdateResults.Text = prUpdate.Value & " of " & prUpdate.Maximum & " Checked"
        lblUpdateResults.ForeColor = Color.Red
        TotUpd = 0
        TotNew = 0
        Dim filename1 = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(NewCat)
        Dim filename2 = filename1.Replace("[", "")
        Dim filename3 = filename2.Replace("]", "")
        Dim filename4 = Path.GetDirectoryName(NewCat)
        If con.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
        End If
        Dim Querytxt As String = "Select * from trancebeats Where Cat = '" & filename3 & "' Group By Cat"
        Dim Adp As SQLiteDataAdapter = New SQLiteDataAdapter
        Dim Cmd As SQLiteCommand = New SQLiteCommand
        Dim TableNewCat As New DataTable
        Dim i As Integer

        With Cmd
            .CommandText = Querytxt
            .Connection = con
        End With

        With Adp
            .SelectCommand = Cmd
        End With
        If TableNewCat.Rows.Count > 0 Then
            For i = 0 To TableNewCat.Rows.Count - 1
                If filename3 = TableNewCat.Rows(i)("Cat") Then
                    MsgBox("Cat. Already Exists!!!")
                    GoTo write_new_cat
                End If
                Dim file As String = NewCat
                Dim filepath As String = file.Substring(0, file.LastIndexOf("\"))
                Dim lines As New List(Of String)

                For co As Integer = 0 To lines.Count - 1
                    If lines(co).Length > 0 Then
                            Dim a1() As String = lines(co).Split("|")

                            Dim Cat As String = a1(0)
                            Dim Title As String = a1(1)
                            Dim Artist As String = a1(2)
                            Dim Album As String = a1(3)
                            Dim Year As String = a1(4)
                            Dim Genre As String = a1(5)
                            Dim Publisher As String = a1(6)
                            Dim Site As String = a1(7)
                            Dim MP3File As String = filepath & "\" & a1(8)
                            Dim Cover As String = filepath & "\[" & Cat & "].jpg"
                            Dim CmdwrtN As SQLiteCommand = New SQLiteCommand
                            With CmdwrtN
                                .CommandText = "Insert Into trancebeats Values('" _
                                & Cat & "', '" & Title & "', '" & Artist & "', '" & Album & "', " & Year & ", '" & Genre & "', '" & Publisher & "', '" & Site & "', '" & filepath.Replace("'", "''") & "', '" & Cover.Replace("'", "''") & "', '" & MP3File.Replace("'", "''") & "')"
                                .Connection = con
                            End With
                        Catch ex As Exception
                            MsgBox(ex.Message & NewCat)
                        End Try
                    End If
                TotNew += 1
            Catch ex As Exception
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString, "Error Reading File " & NewCat)
            End Try
            btnClear.Enabled = True
        End If
        prUpdate.Value += 1
        lblUpdateResults.Text = prUpdate.Value & " of " & prUpdate.Maximum & " Checked"
    End Sub

Delete everything from database:

Private Sub btnClear_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClear.Click
    If con.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
    End If

    Dim Querytxt As String = "Delete from trancebeats"
    Dim Cmd As SQLiteCommand = New SQLiteCommand
        With Cmd
            .CommandText = Querytxt
            .Connection = con
            MsgBox("Data Cleared")
            Dim pn As Panel
            pn = Me.Controls.Item("pnNew")
            btnClear.Enabled = False
        End With
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try

End Sub

when I clear the database I insert a new row from file then when I try to clear database agail it gives me an error:

SQL logic error or missing database no such table: trancebeats

like image 842
Dave Mas Avatar asked Nov 05 '13 22:11

Dave Mas

1 Answers

Not sure if this will help you, but I ran into a similar problem: 'no such table: ***'

In my case it turned out to be the fact that my connection string would specify database as a relative path:

'URI=file: mydatabase.sqlite'

It all worked fine, until I would use an 'OpenFileDialog' inside my application. That changes current directory, and throws off the connection string. A quick fix, is using absolute path for your database inside the connection string:

'URI=file: C:\Test\mydatabase.sqlite'
like image 55
Eternal21 Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 05:11
