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c# to vb.net convsersion

I am trying to convert a block of c# to vb.

I used the service at developerfusion.com to do the conversion, but when I paste it into Visual Studio, it is complaing about the "Key" statements("Name of field or property being initialized in an object initializer must start with '.' ").

I played around with the code for a few hours trying to get around that, but everything I did only led to more errors.

So I started to wonder if the conversion at developerfusion was ever correct.

Here is the c# to vb.net.

I am not sure where "Key" is coming from and was wondering if someone could enlighten me.



var combinedResults  = 
cars.Select(c=>new carTruckCombo{ID=c.ID,make=c.make,model=c.model})
.Union(tracks.Select(t=>new carTruckCombo{ID=t.ID,make=t.make,model=t.model}));


Dim combinedResults = cars.[Select](Function(c) New carTruckCombo() With { _
Key .ID = c.ID, _
Key .make = c.make, _
Key .model = c.model _
}).Union(tracks.[Select](Function(t) New carTruckCombo() With { _
Key .ID = t.ID, _
Key .make = t.make, _
Key .model = t.model _
like image 601
SkyeBoniwell Avatar asked Dec 10 '12 15:12


2 Answers

Remove the Key

do this instead:

    Dim combinedResults = cars.Select(Function(c) New carTruckCombo() With { _
    .ID = c.ID, _
        .make = c.make, _
        .model = c.model _
     }).Union(tracks.Select(Function(t) New carTruckCombo() With { _
        .ID = t.ID, _
        .make = t.make, _
        .model = t.model _

As a side-note, this converter always worked better for me whenever i needed it:


like image 110
Darren Wainwright Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 09:09

Darren Wainwright

In C#, when creating an anonymous type, it generates an Equals and GetHashCode implementation for you using all the properties of your anonymous type.

VB.NET does something similar, but it requires you to put the Key modifier on the properties of your anonymous type.

C# "just does it" where VB.NET gives you the flexibility to define which properties are used in equality. Since C# uses all of the properties, the converter is giving you Key on everything so equality works the same.

OK, so that's the backstory of the Key modifier, so what's wrong with your conversion?

The converter seems to incorrectly assume you are using an anonymous type, but you're not. Your type is carTruckCombo so they Key modifiers don't work. Removing the Key modifier would fix the problem since you have a well defined class where you can implement your equality there.

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vcsjones Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 09:09
