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What is the difference between List<T> and array indexers?

The question raised in my mind after Is it possible to access a reference of a struct from a List to make changes? thread by reza.

So, consider the following struct and interface (definetely not very useful, but just to show the issue):

public interface IChangeStruct
    int Value { get; }
    void Change(int value);

public struct MyStruct : IChangeStruct
    int value;

    public MyStruct(int _value)
        value = _value;

    public int Value
            return value;

    public void Change(int value)
        this.value = value;

MyStruct implements IChangeStruct, so we can change a boxed copy of it right in the heap without unboxing and replacing with a new one. This can be demostrated with the following code:

MyStruct[] l1 = new MyStruct[]
    new MyStruct(0)

Console.WriteLine(l1[0].Value); //0
Console.WriteLine(l1[0].Value); //10

Now, let's change array to List<T>, i.e.:

List<MyStruct> l2 = new List<MyStruct>
    new MyStruct(0)

Console.WriteLine(l2[0].Value); //0
Console.WriteLine(l2[0].Value); //also 0

As far as I understood, in the first case l1[0] returned the referense to the boxed struct, while in the second - it was smth else.

I also tried to disassemble this and found:

1) For MyStruct[]:

IL_0030:  ldelema    Utils.MyStruct
IL_0035:  ldc.i4.s   10
IL_0037:  call       instance void Utils.MyStruct::Change(int32)

2) For List<MyStruct>:

 IL_007c:  callvirt   instance !0 class [mscorlib]System.Collections.Generic.List`1<valuetype Utils.MyStruct>::get_Item(int32)
 IL_0081:  stloc.s    CS$0$0001
 IL_0083:  ldloca.s   CS$0$0001
 IL_0085:  ldc.i4.s   10
 IL_0087:  call       instance void Utils.MyStruct::Change(int32)

But I appeared to be not ready to interpret it well.

So, what did the List<T> return? Or how do array and List<T> return elements by index? Or is this only the case with value types and has nothing to do with reference types?

P.S.: I do understand that one must not change a value type instance, but the described issue made me understand, I never realized how List<T> and array work.

like image 538
horgh Avatar asked Nov 21 '12 04:11


1 Answers

.Net can address array elements in-place, using the ldelema instruction (load address of array element).

This allows you to operate directly on array elements without copying them. (this is also why you can pass an array element as a ref or out parameter)

List<T> has no such capability. Instead, list[i] is just syntactic sugar for list.get_Item(i), which is a normal method call that returns a copy of the struct.

like image 126
SLaks Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 17:09
