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SQL issue - calculate max days sequence

There is a table with visits data:

uid (INT) | created_at (DATETIME)

I want to find how many days in a row a user has visited our app. So for instance:

SELECT DISTINCT DATE(created_at) AS d FROM visits WHERE uid = 123

will return:


There are 5 records and two intervals - 3 days (28 - 30 Apr) and 2 days (3 - 4 May).

My question is how to find the maximum number of days that a user has visited the app in a row (3 days in the example). Tried to find a suitable function in the SQL docs, but with no success. Am I missing something?

UPD: Thank you guys for your answers! Actually, I'm working with vertica analytics database (http://vertica.com/), however this is a very rare solution and only a few people have experience with it. Although it supports SQL-99 standard.

Well, most of solutions work with slight modifications. Finally I created my own version of query:

-- returns starts of the vitit series 
SELECT t1.d as s FROM testing t1
LEFT JOIN testing t2 ON DATE(t2.d) = DATE(TIMESTAMPADD('day', -1, t1.d))
WHERE t2.d is null GROUP BY t1.d

 2012-04-28 01:00:00
 2012-05-03 01:00:00

-- returns end of the vitit series 
SELECT t1.d as f FROM testing t1
LEFT JOIN testing t2 ON DATE(t2.d) = DATE(TIMESTAMPADD('day', 1, t1.d))
WHERE t2.d is null GROUP BY t1.d

 2012-04-30 01:00:00
 2012-05-04 01:00:00

So now only what we need to do is to join them somehow, for instance by row index.

SELECT s, f, DATEDIFF(day, s, f) + 1 as seq FROM (
    SELECT t1.d as s, ROW_NUMBER() OVER () as o1 FROM testing t1
    LEFT JOIN testing t2 ON DATE(t2.d) = DATE(TIMESTAMPADD('day', -1, t1.d))
    WHERE t2.d is null GROUP BY t1.d
) tbl1 LEFT JOIN (
    SELECT t1.d as f, ROW_NUMBER() OVER () as o2 FROM testing t1
    LEFT JOIN testing t2 ON DATE(t2.d) = DATE(TIMESTAMPADD('day', 1, t1.d))
    WHERE t2.d is null GROUP BY t1.d
) tbl2 ON o1 = o2 

Sample output:

          s          |          f          | seq 
 2012-04-28 01:00:00 | 2012-04-30 01:00:00 |   3
 2012-05-03 01:00:00 | 2012-05-04 01:00:00 |   2
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deadrunk Avatar asked May 04 '12 11:05


2 Answers

Another approach, the shortest, do a self-join:

with grouped_result as
       sum((fr.d is null)::int) over(order by sr.d) as group_number
    from tbl sr
    left join tbl fr on sr.d = fr.d + interval '1 day'
select d, group_number, count(d) over m as consecutive_days
from grouped_result
window m as (partition by group_number)


          d          | group_number | consecutive_days 
 2012-04-28 08:00:00 |            1 |                3
 2012-04-29 08:00:00 |            1 |                3
 2012-04-30 08:00:00 |            1 |                3
 2012-05-03 08:00:00 |            2 |                2
 2012-05-04 08:00:00 |            2 |                2
(5 rows)

Live test: http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!1/93789/1

sr = second row, fr = first row ( or perhaps previous row? ツ ). Basically we are doing a back tracking, it's a simulated lag on database that doesn't support LAG (Postgres supports LAG, but the solution is very long, as windowing doesn't support nested windowing). So in this query, we uses a hybrid approach, simulate LAG via join, then use SUM windowing against it, this produces group number


Forgot to put the final query, the query above illustrate the underpinnings of group numbering, need to morph that into this:

with grouped_result as
       sum((fr.d is null)::int) over(order by sr.d) as group_number
    from tbl sr
    left join tbl fr on sr.d = fr.d + interval '1 day'
select min(d) as starting_date, max(d) as end_date, count(d) as consecutive_days
from grouped_result
group by group_number
-- order by consecutive_days desc limit 1

STARTING_DATE                END_DATE                     CONSECUTIVE_DAYS
April, 28 2012 08:00:00-0700 April, 30 2012 08:00:00-0700 3
May, 03 2012 08:00:00-0700   May, 04 2012 08:00:00-0700   2


I know why my other solution that uses window function became long, it became long on my attempt to illustrate the logic of group numbering and counting over the group. If I'd cut to the chase like in my MySql approach, that windowing function could be shorter. Having said that, here's my old windowing function approach, albeit better now:

with headers as
      d,lag(d) over m is null or d - lag(d) over m  <> interval '1 day' as header
    from tbl
    window m as (order by d)
,sequence_group as
    select d, sum(header::int) over (order by d) as group_number
    from headers  
select min(d) as starting_date,max(d) as ending_date,count(d) as consecutive_days
from sequence_group
group by group_number
-- order by consecutive_days desc limit 1

Live test: http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!1/93789/21

like image 88
Michael Buen Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Michael Buen

In MySQL you could do this:

SET @RowNum = 1;

SELECT MAX(RowNumber) AS ConecutiveVisits
FROM    (   SELECT  @RowNum := IF(@NextDate = Created_At, @RowNum + 1, 1) AS RowNumber,
                    @NextDate := DATE_ADD(Created_At, INTERVAL 1 DAY) AS NextDate
            FROM    Visits
            ORDER BY Created_At
        ) Visits

Example here:


However I am not 100% certain this is the best way to do it.

In Postgresql:

 (  SELECT  Created_At, 1 AS ConsecutiveDays
    FROM    Visits
    SELECT  v.Created_At, ConsecutiveDays + 1
    FROM    Visits v
            INNER JOIN VisitsCTE cte
                ON 1 + cte.Created_At = v.Created_At
SELECT  MAX(ConsecutiveDays) AS ConsecutiveDays
FROM    VisitsCTE

Example here:


like image 28
GarethD Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10
