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SQL IN statement - keep duplicates when returning results





I have an sql query something like this:

SELECT * FROM prices WHERE item IN ('item1', 'item2', 'item2', 'item3');

Notice the duplicate value 'item2'. I want the query to return the value for that item as many times as it appears in the IN clause. By default it only returns once. How can I do that?

like image 929
Tratto Avatar asked Nov 20 '15 20:11


2 Answers

Then you need to use left join:

select p.*
from (select 'item1' as item union all select 'item2' union all
      select 'item2' union all select 'item3'
     ) i left join
     prices p
     on i.item = p.item;
like image 133
Gordon Linoff Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 10:11

Gordon Linoff

SQL treats items of the IN list as a set, ignoring the duplicates.

In databases that support table-valued parameters (TVP) you could replace IN with an inner join on a TVP, but MySQL does not offer them.

An alternative approach would be to populate a temporary table with the items from your IN list, and query with an inner join against it:

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE InList (item varchar(10)); 
INSERT INTO InList(item) VALUES ('item1');
INSERT INTO InList(item) VALUES ('item2');
INSERT INTO InList(item) VALUES ('item2');
INSERT INTO InList(item) VALUES ('item3');

Now your query would look like this:

FROM prices p
INNER JOIN InList i ON i.item = p.item

Since joining produces a Cartesian product, rows of price would be repeated as many times as they are listed in the temporary InList table.

like image 21
Sergey Kalinichenko Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 11:11

Sergey Kalinichenko