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SQL Take off last character if a certain one exists in a string

I have a column with few different ID's


And I want a new column that takes off the / if it exists


I know I'll be using a combination of IF/THEN, LEFT, and LEN, but I don't know the syntax. Help is appreciated! Thanks!

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Takeshi Tawarada Avatar asked May 05 '15 14:05

Takeshi Tawarada

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2 Answers

(In case your are using SQL Server RDBMS)

You can try the following combination of right and left:

case when right(col, 1) = '/' then left(col, len(col)-1) else col end


(In case your are using MySQL RDBMS)

trim(trailing '/' from col);


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potashin Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09


If your using SQL Server try this

SELECT REPLACE(col,'/','')

Replace (Transact-SQL)

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Nate S. Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 20:09

Nate S.