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SQL grouping by month and year




I'm not sure what should I write in the following SQL query to show 'date' column like this: "month-year" - "9-2011".

SELECT MONTH(date) + '.' + YEAR(date) AS Mjesec, SUM(marketingExpense) AS SumaMarketing, SUM(revenue) AS SumaZarada  FROM [Order] WHERE (idCustomer = 1) AND (date BETWEEN '2001-11-3' AND '2011-11-3') GROUP BY MONTH(date), YEAR(date) 

So, what I want to do is to change the data from the first column to show month and year instead of showing month only.

like image 677
wegelagerer Avatar asked Mar 23 '11 13:03


People also ask

How do I GROUP BY month and year in SQL Server?

You can group month and year with the help of function DATE_FORMAT() in MySQL. The GROUP BY clause is also used.

How do you group dates into month in SQL?

Group By Month Name In the above SQL query we use date_format(order_date, “%M”) to convert a date column into month name, and use sum column to add up the sales amounts.

How do I GROUP BY year in SQL Server?

You simply use the aggregate function (here: SUM ) with the correct column and at the end of the query you group by year . You can rename the column using the AS keyword with a new name. In this solution, you don't use a GROUP BY clause.

2 Answers

SELECT CAST(MONTH(date) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '-' + CAST(YEAR(date) AS VARCHAR(4)) AS Mjesec, SUM(marketingExpense) AS SumaMarketing, SUM(revenue) AS SumaZarada  FROM [Order] WHERE (idCustomer = 1) AND (date BETWEEN '2001-11-3' AND '2011-11-3') GROUP BY CAST(MONTH(date) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '-' + CAST(YEAR(date) AS VARCHAR(4)) 

Or as @40-Love mentioned you can cast with leading zeroes:

GROUP BY    CAST(YEAR(date) AS VARCHAR(4)) + '-' + right('00' + CAST(MONTH(date) AS VARCHAR(2)), 2)  
like image 82
Lamak Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10


I'm guessing this is MS SQL, as it looks like MS SQL syntax.

You should put the same thing in the group by as you have in the select.

For example:

Select MONTH(date)+'-'+YEAR(date), .... ... ... ... group by MONTH(date)+'-'+YEAR(date) 
like image 45
Dumitrescu Bogdan Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 18:10

Dumitrescu Bogdan