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Why use "where 1=2" on a SQL CREATE TABLE syntax?




I read this statement somewhere on the internet but I couldn't understand the WHERE 1=2.

Will anyone please, explain this?

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Omid Shagiwal Avatar asked Aug 18 '17 04:08

Omid Shagiwal

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Why do we use WHERE clause in SQL?

The SQL WHERE clause is used to specify a condition while fetching the data from a single table or by joining with multiple tables. If the given condition is satisfied, then only it returns a specific value from the table. You should use the WHERE clause to filter the records and fetching only the necessary records.

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1 Answers

This type of command is usually used to copy the structure of one table to another. In this case, EMPL_DEMO will have the same column structure of employees, except for the keys or constraints.

The 1=2 always evaluates to False which prevents you from copying any of the rows.

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DrZoo Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 12:10
