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SQL - Getting Most Recent Date From Multiple Columns



Assume a rowset containing the following

EntryID    Name      DateModified   DateDeleted
1          Name1     1/2/2003       NULL
2          Name1     1/3/2005       1/5/2008
3          Name1     1/3/2006       NULL
4          Name1     NULL           NULL  
5          Name1     3/5/2008       NULL


I need a single value - the largest non-null date from BOTH columns. So the largest of all ten cells in this case.

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Scott Baker Avatar asked Jun 02 '10 15:06

Scott Baker

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If you want to understand VALUE try this query which creates a virtual 1 column table: SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1), (5), (1)) as listOfValues(columnName) And this query which creates a virtual 2 column table: SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1,2), (5,3), (1,4)) as tableOfValues(columnName1, ColumnName2) Now you can understand why ...

Does Max Work on dates SQL?

MAX function works with “date” data types as well and it will return the maximum or the latest date from the table.

2 Answers

SELECT MAX(CASE WHEN (DateDeleted IS NULL OR DateModified > DateDeleted)
                THEN DateModified ELSE DateDeleted END) AS MaxDate
FROM Table
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Martin Smith Avatar answered Feb 03 '23 21:02

Martin Smith

For MySQL, Postgres or Oracle, use the GREATEST function:

SELECT GREATEST(ISNULL(t.datemodified, '1900-01-01 00:00:00'),  
                ISNULL(t.datedeleted, '1900-01-01 00:00:00'))

Both Oracle and MySQL will return NULL if a NULL is provided. The example uses MySQL null handling - update accordingly for the appropriate database.

A database agnostic alternative is:

SELECT z.entryid,
  FROM (SELECT x.entryid,
               x.datemodified AS dt
          FROM TABLE x
        UNION ALL
        SELECT y.entryid
               y.datedeleted AS dt
          FROM TABLE y) z
GROUP BY z.entryid
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OMG Ponies Avatar answered Feb 03 '23 22:02

OMG Ponies