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SQL for applying conditions to multiple rows in a join



I think I found the answer to my question, I'm just unsure of the syntax, I keep getting SQL errors.

Basically, I want to do the opposite of IN. Take this example:

SELECT *    FROM users INNER JOIN         tags ON tags.user_id = users.id   WHERE tags.name IN ('tag1', 'tag2'); 

The above will return ANY users that have 'tag1' OR 'tag2'. I want users that have BOTH. They must have both tags to be returned. I'm assuming the keyword ALL should be used, but can't get it to work.

Thanks for your help.

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Binary Logic Avatar asked Jan 21 '11 19:01

Binary Logic

People also ask

Can we use in condition in join?

putting conditions in join improve performance for large amount of data with properly indexed tables. @Shahdat if you are getting that significant a performance difference moving your filter conditions from the where clause to the inner join you need to post those execution plans.

How do I join two tables with conditions in SQL?

You join two tables by creating a relationship in the WHERE clause between at least one column from one table and at least one column from another. The join creates a temporary composite table where each pair of rows (one from each table) that satisfies the join condition is linked to form a single row.

Which clause is used on multiple rows?

Multiple Row Sub Query Multiple-row subqueries are used most commonly in WHERE and HAVING clauses. Since it returns multiple rows, it must be handled by set comparison operators (IN, ALL, ANY).

1 Answers

Let's talk about this problem in generalities first, then specifics.

In this problem what you want to do is select rows from table A depending on conditions in two (or for the general case, more than two) rows in table B. In order to accomplish this, you need to do one of two things:

  1. execute tests against different rows in table B

  2. aggregate the rows of interest from table B into a single row which somehow contains the information you need to test the original rows from table B

This kind of problem is the big reason why, I think, you see people creating comma-delimited lists in VARCHAR fields instead of normalizing their databases correctly.

In your example, you want to select user rows based on the existence of rows matching two specific conditions in tags.

(1) Testing different rows.

There are three ways you can use technique (1) (testing different rows). They are using EXISTS, using sub-queries, and using JOINs:

1A. Using EXISTs is (in my opinion, anyway) clear because it matches what you're trying to do — checking for existence of rows. This is moderately scalable to more tags in terms of writing the SQL creation if you're generating dynamic SQL, you simple add an additional AND EXISTS clause for each tag (performance, of course, will suffer):

SELECT * FROM users WHERE    EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tags WHERE user_id = users.id AND name ='tag1') AND   EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tags WHERE user_id = users.id AND name ='tag2') 

I think this clearly expresses the intent of the query.

1B Using sub-queries is also pretty clear. Because this technique does not involve correlated sub-queries some engines can optimize it better (it depends, in part, on the number of users with any given tag):

SELECT * FROM users WHERE    id IN (SELECT user_id FROM tags WHERE name ='tag1') AND   id IN (SELECT user_id FROM tags WHERE name ='tag2')  

This scales the same way that option 1A does. It's also (to me, anyway) pretty clear.

1C Using JOINs involves INNER JOINing the tags table to the users table once for each tag. It doesn't scale as well because it's harder (but still possible) to generate the dynamic SQL:

SELECT u.* FROM users u       INNER JOIN tags t1 ON u.id = t1.user_id      INNER JOIN tags t2 ON u.id = t2.user_id   WHERE t1.name = 'tag1' AND t2.name = 'tag2' 

Personally, I feel this is considerably less clear than the other two options since it looks like the goal is to create a JOINed record set rather than filter the users table. Also, scalability suffers because you need to add INNER JOINs and change the WHERE clause. Note that this technique sort of straddles techniques 1 and 2 because it uses the JOINs to aggregate two rows from tags.

(2) Aggregating rows.

There are a two main ways of doing this, using COUNTs and using string processing:

2A Using COUNTs is much easier if your tags table is "protected" against having the same tag applied twice to the same user. You can do this by making (user_id, name) the PRIMARY KEY in tags, or by creating a UNIQUE INDEX on those two columns. If the rows are protected in that way you can do this:

 SELECT users.id, users.user_name     FROM users INNER JOIN tags ON users.id = tags.user_id    WHERE tags.name IN ('tag1', 'tag2')    GROUP BY users.id, users.user_name    HAVING COUNT(*) = 2 

In this case you match the HAVING COUNT(*) = test value against the number of tags name in the IN clause. This does not work if each tag can be applied to a user more than once because the count of 2 could be produced by two instances of 'tag1' and none of 'tag2' (and the row would qualify where it shouldn't) or two instances of 'tag1' plus one instance of 'tag2' would create a count of 3 (and the user would not qualify even though they should).

Note that this is the most scalable technique performance-wise since you can add additional tags and no additional queries or JOINs are needed.

If multiple tags are allowed you can perform an inner aggregation to remove the duplicates. You can do this in the same query I showed above, but for simplicity sake I'm going to break the logic out into a separate view:

 CREATE VIEW tags_dedup (user_id, name) AS  SELECT DISTINCT user_id, name FROM tags 

and then you go back to the query above and substitute tags_dedup for tags.

2B Using String processing is database specific because there is no standard SQL aggregate function to produce string lists from multiple rows. Some databases, however, offer extensions to do this. In MySQL, you can use GROUP_CONCAT and FIND_IN_SET to do this:

SELECT user.id, users.user_name, GROUP_CONCAT(tags.name) as all_tags   FROM users INNER JOIN tags ON users.id = tags.user_id   GROUP BY users.id, users.user_name   HAVING FIND_IN_SET('tag1', all_tags) > 0 AND          FIND_IN_SET('tag2', all_tags) > 0  

Note, this is very inefficient and uses MySQL unique extensions.

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Larry Lustig Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09

Larry Lustig