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How to populate HTML dropdown list with values from database

as part of a HTML form I am creating I would like to have a dropdown list which will list all the usernames in my database.

I thought the following code would do the trick but the dropdown list is empty - could someone assist me in what i'm doing wrong? Thanks.

<tr> <td>Owner</td> <td> <select name="owner"> <?php   $sql = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT username FROM users");  while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()){  ?> <option value="owner1"><?php echo $row['username']; ?></option>  <?php // close while loop  } ?> </td> </tr> 
like image 361
Bernard Avatar asked Nov 05 '11 18:11


People also ask

How do you populate a drop-down list in HTML?

HTML provides <select> tag to create Dropdown List. In fact using <select> tag you can create following types of HTML list controls: Dropdown List (by default) ListBox (by adding size attribute)

How do I populate a Dropdownlist based on another dropdown selected value?

This can be achieved using cell edit template feature on the dropdown columns and in the first dropdown's change event, the second dropdown data can be modified(using query property) based on the selected value.

1 Answers

My guess is that you have a problem since you don't close your select-tag after the loop. Could that do the trick?

<select name="owner"> <?php  $sql = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT username FROM users"); while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()){ echo "<option value=\"owner1\">" . $row['username'] . "</option>"; } ?> </select> 
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Christofer Eliasson Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 13:10

Christofer Eliasson