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SQL Find pairs of rows with next best timestamp match

My challenge is to find pairs of rows that are adjacent by timestamp and keep only those pairs with minimal distance of a value field (positive values of the difference)

A table measurement collects data from different sensors with a timestamp and a value.

id | sensor_id | timestamp | value
 1 |         1 | 12:00:00  |     5
 2 |         2 | 12:01:00  |     6
 3 |         1 | 12:02:00  |     4
 4 |         2 | 12:02:00  |     7
 5 |         2 | 12:03:00  |     3
 6 |         1 | 12:05:00  |     3
 7 |         2 | 12:06:00  |     4
 8 |         2 | 12:07:00  |     5
 9 |         1 | 12:08:00  |     6

A sensor's value is valid from its timestamp until the timestamp of its next record (same sensor_id).

Graphical representation

enter image description here

The lower green line shows the distance of sensor 1's (blue line) and sensor 2's (red line) values over time.

My aim is

  1. to combine only those records of 2 sensors that match the timestamp logic (to get the green line)
  2. to find the dinstance local minimums at
    • 12:01:00 (at 12:00:00 there's no record for sensor 2)
    • 12:05:00
    • 12:08:00

The real table resides in a PostgreSQL database and contains about 5 million records of 15 sensors.

Test data

create table measurement (
    id serial,
    sensor_id integer,
    timestamp timestamp,
    value integer)

insert into measurement (sensor_id, timestamp, value)
(1, '2020-08-16 12:00:00', 5),
(2, '2020-08-16 12:01:00', 6),
(1, '2020-08-16 12:02:00', 4),
(2, '2020-08-16 12:02:00', 7),
(2, '2020-08-16 12:03:00', 3),
(1, '2020-08-16 12:05:00', 3),
(2, '2020-08-16 12:06:00', 4),
(2, '2020-08-16 12:07:00', 5),
(1, '2020-08-16 12:08:00', 6)

My approach

was to pick 2 arbitrary sensors (by certain sensor_ids), make a self join and retain for any sensor 1's record only that record of the sensor 2 with the previous timestamp (biggest timestamps of sensor 2 with sensor 1's timestamp <= sensor 2's timestamp).

from (
    row_number() over (partition by m1.timestamp order by m2.timestamp desc) rownum
    from measurement m1
    join measurement m2
        on m1.sensor_id <> m2.sensor_id
        and m1.timestamp >= m2.timestamp
    --arbitrarily sensor_ids 1 and 2
    where m1.sensor_id = 1
    and m2.sensor_id = 2
) foo
where rownum = 1

union --vice versa

from (
    row_number() over (partition by m2.timestamp order by m1.timestamp desc) rownum
    from measurement m1
    join measurement m2
        on m1.sensor_id <> m2.sensor_id
        and m1.timestamp <= m2.timestamp
    --arbitrarily sensor_ids 1 and 2
    where m1.sensor_id = 1
    and m2.sensor_id = 2
) foo
where rownum = 1

But that returns a pair with 12:00:00 where sensor 2 has no data (not a big problem)
and on the real table the statement execution does not end after hours (big problem).

I found certain similar questions but they don't match my problem

  • SQL Join on Nearest less than date
  • SQL Join same table based on time stamp and inventory level

Thanks in advance!

like image 393
Daniel Avatar asked Aug 16 '20 15:08


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4 Answers

The first step is to calculate the difference at each timestamp. One method uses a lateral join and conditional aggregation:

select t.timestamp,
       max(m.value) filter (where s.sensor_id = 1) as value_1,
       max(m.value) filter (where s.sensor_id = 2) as value_2,
       abs(max(m.value) filter (where s.sensor_id = 2) -
           max(m.value) filter (where s.sensor_id = 1)
          ) as diff
from (values (1), (2)) s(sensor_id) cross join
     (select distinct timestamp
      from measurement
      where sensor_id in (1, 2)
     ) t left join lateral
     (select m.value
      from measurement m 
      where m.sensor_id = s.sensor_id and
            m.timestamp <= t.timestamp
      order by m.timestamp desc
      limit 1 
     ) m
     on 1=1
group by timestamp;

Now the question is when does the difference enter a local minimum. For your sample data, the local minima are all one time unit long. That means that you can use lag() and lead() to find them:

with t as (
      select  t.timestamp,
              max(m.value) filter (where s.sensor_id = 1) as value_1,
              max(m.value) filter (where s.sensor_id = 2) as value_2,
              abs(max(m.value) filter (where s.sensor_id = 2) -
                  max(m.value) filter (where s.sensor_id = 1)
                 ) as diff
      from (values (1), (2)) s(sensor_id) cross join
           (select distinct timestamp
            from measurement
            where sensor_id in (1, 2)
           ) t left join lateral
           (select m.value
            from measurement m 
            where m.sensor_id = s.sensor_id and
                  m.timestamp <= t.timestamp
            order by m.timestamp desc
            limit 1 
           ) m
           on 1=1
      group by timestamp
select *
from (select t.*,
             lag(diff) over (order by timestamp) as prev_diff,
             lead(diff) over (order by timestamp) as next_diff
      from t
     ) t
where (diff < prev_diff or prev_diff is null) and
      (diff < next_diff or next_diff is null);

That might not be a reasonable assumption to make. So, filter out adjacent duplicate values before applying this logic:

select *
from (select t.*,
             lag(diff) over (order by timestamp) as prev_diff,
             lead(diff) over (order by timestamp) as next_diff
      from (select t.*, lag(diff) over (order by timestamp) as test_for_dup
            from t
           ) t
      where test_for_dup is distinct from diff
     ) t
where (diff < prev_diff or prev_diff is null) and
      (diff < next_diff or next_diff is null)

Here is a db<>fiddle.

like image 185
Gordon Linoff Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11

Gordon Linoff

You can use a couple of lateral joins. For example:

t as (select distinct timestamp as ts from measurement)
  t.ts, s1.value as v1, s2.value as v2,
  abs(s1.value - s2.value) as distance
from t,
lateral (
  select value
  from measurement m 
  where m.sensor_id = 1 and m.timestamp <= t.ts
  order by timestamp desc
  limit 1
) s1,
lateral (
  select value
  from measurement m 
  where m.sensor_id = 2 and m.timestamp <= t.ts
  order by timestamp desc
  limit 1
) s2
order by t.ts


ts                     v1  v2  distance
---------------------  --  --  --------
2020-08-16 12:01:00.0   5   6         1
2020-08-16 12:02:00.0   4   7         3
2020-08-16 12:03:00.0   4   3         1
2020-08-16 12:05:00.0   3   3         0
2020-08-16 12:06:00.0   3   4         1
2020-08-16 12:07:00.0   3   5         2
2020-08-16 12:08:00.0   6   5         1

See running example at DB Fiddle.

Also, if you want all timestamps, even unmatched ones like 12:00:00, you can do:

t as (select distinct timestamp as ts from measurement)
  t.ts, s1.value as v1, s2.value as v2,
  abs(s1.value - s2.value) as distance
from t
left join lateral (
  select value
  from measurement m 
  where m.sensor_id = 1 and m.timestamp <= t.ts
  order by timestamp desc
  limit 1
) s1 on true
left join lateral (
  select value
  from measurement m 
  where m.sensor_id = 2 and m.timestamp <= t.ts
  order by timestamp desc
  limit 1
) s2 on true
order by t.ts

In those cases it's not possible to compute the distance, though.


ts                     v1      v2  distance
---------------------  --  ------  --------
2020-08-16 12:00:00.0   5  <null>    <null>
2020-08-16 12:01:00.0   5       6         1
2020-08-16 12:02:00.0   4       7         3
2020-08-16 12:03:00.0   4       3         1
2020-08-16 12:05:00.0   3       3         0
2020-08-16 12:06:00.0   3       4         1
2020-08-16 12:07:00.0   3       5         2
2020-08-16 12:08:00.0   6       5         1
like image 42
The Impaler Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11

The Impaler

The infill of missing values requires window functions and a Cartesian product of every minute crossed with your two sensors.

The invars cte accepts the parameters.

with invars as (
  select '2020-08-16 12:00:00'::timestamp as start_ts,
         '2020-08-16 12:08:00'::timestamp as end_ts,
         array[1, 2] as sensor_ids

Create the matrix of minute x sensor_id

calendar as (
  select g.minute, s.sensor_id, 
         sensor_ids[1] as sid1,
         sensor_ids[2] as sid2
    from invars i
   cross join generate_series(
           i.start_ts, i.end_ts, interval '1 minute'
         ) as g(minute)
   cross join unnest(i.sensor_ids) as s(sensor_id)

Find mgrp for every time a new value is available from a sensor_id

gaps as (
  select c.minute, c.sensor_id, m.value,
         sum(case when m.value is null then 0 else 1 end)
            over (partition by c.sensor_id 
                      order by c.minute) as mgrp,
         c.sid1, c.sid2
    from calendar c
         left join measurement m
                on m.timestamp = c.minute 
               and m.sensor_id = c.sensor_id

Interpolate missing values by carrying forward the most recent value

interpolated as (
  select minute, 
           value, first_value(value) over
                    (partition by sensor_id, mgrp
                         order by minute)
         ) as value, sid1, sid2
    from gaps

Perform the distance calculation (sum() could have been max() or min()--it makes no difference.

select minute,
       sum(value) filter (where sensor_id = sid1) as value1,
       sum(value) filter (where sensor_id = sid2) as value2, 
         sum(value) filter (where sensor_id = sid1) 
         - sum(value) filter (where sensor_id = sid2)
       ) as distance
  from interpolated
 group by minute
 order by minute;


| minute                   | value1 | value2 | distance |
| ------------------------ | ------ | ------ | -------- |
| 2020-08-16T12:00:00.000Z | 5      |        |          |
| 2020-08-16T12:01:00.000Z | 5      | 6      | 1        |
| 2020-08-16T12:02:00.000Z | 4      | 7      | 3        |
| 2020-08-16T12:03:00.000Z | 4      | 3      | 1        |
| 2020-08-16T12:04:00.000Z | 4      | 3      | 1        |
| 2020-08-16T12:05:00.000Z | 3      | 3      | 0        |
| 2020-08-16T12:06:00.000Z | 3      | 4      | 1        |
| 2020-08-16T12:07:00.000Z | 3      | 5      | 2        |
| 2020-08-16T12:08:00.000Z | 6      | 5      | 1        |


[View on DB Fiddle](https://www.db-fiddle.com/f/p65hiAFVT4v3TrjTPbrZnC/0)

Please see this working fiddle.

like image 45
Mike Organek Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11

Mike Organek

Window functions and checking the neigbors. (you'll need an extra anti-selfjoin to remove the duplicates, and invent a tie-breaker for the stable marriage problem)

SELECT id,sensor_id, ztimestamp,value
        -- , prev_ts, next_ts
        , (ztimestamp - prev_ts) AS prev_span
        , (next_ts - ztimestamp) AS next_span
        , (sensor_id <> prev_sensor) AS prev_valid
        , (sensor_id <> next_sensor) AS next_valid
        , CASE WHEN (sensor_id <> prev_sensor AND sensor_id <> next_sensor) THEN
                CASE WHEN (ztimestamp - prev_ts) < (next_ts - ztimestamp) THEN prev_id ELSE next_id END
        WHEN (sensor_id <> prev_sensor) THEN prev_id
        WHEN (sensor_id <> next_sensor) THEN next_id
        ELSE NULL END AS best_neigbor
        SELECT id,sensor_id, ztimestamp,value
        , lag(id) OVER www AS prev_id
        , lead(id) OVER www AS next_id
        , lag(sensor_id) OVER www AS prev_sensor
        , lead(sensor_id) OVER www AS next_sensor
        , lag(ztimestamp) OVER www AS prev_ts
        , lead(ztimestamp) OVER www AS next_ts
        FROM measurement
        WINDOW www AS (order by ztimestamp)
        ) q
ORDER BY ztimestamp,sensor_id


 id | sensor_id |     ztimestamp      | value | prev_span | next_span | prev_valid | next_valid | best_neigbor 
  1 |         1 | 2020-08-16 12:00:00 |     5 |           | 00:01:00  |            | t          |            2
  2 |         2 | 2020-08-16 12:01:00 |     6 | 00:01:00  | 00:01:00  | t          | t          |            3
  3 |         1 | 2020-08-16 12:02:00 |     4 | 00:01:00  | 00:00:00  | t          | t          |            4
  4 |         2 | 2020-08-16 12:02:00 |     7 | 00:00:00  | 00:01:00  | t          | f          |            3
  5 |         2 | 2020-08-16 12:03:00 |     3 | 00:01:00  | 00:02:00  | f          | t          |            6
  6 |         1 | 2020-08-16 12:05:00 |     3 | 00:02:00  | 00:01:00  | t          | t          |            7
  7 |         2 | 2020-08-16 12:06:00 |     4 | 00:01:00  | 00:01:00  | t          | f          |            6
  8 |         2 | 2020-08-16 12:07:00 |     5 | 00:01:00  | 00:01:00  | f          | t          |            9
  9 |         1 | 2020-08-16 12:08:00 |     6 | 00:01:00  |           | t          |            |            8
(9 rows)
like image 23
wildplasser Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 02:11
