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SQL: Concatenate column values in a single row into a string separated by comma

Let's say I have a table like this in SQL Server:

Id    City           Province             Country
1     Vancouver      British Columbia     Canada
2     New York       null                 null
3     null           Adama                null
4     null           null                 France
5     Winnepeg       Manitoba             null
6     null           Quebec               Canada
7     Seattle        null                 USA 

How can I get a query result so that the location is a concatenation of the City, Province, and Country separated by ", ", with nulls omitted. I'd like to ensure that there aren't any trailing comma, preceding commas, or empty strings. For example:

Id    Location
1     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
2     New York
3     Adama
4     France
5     Winnepeg, Manitoba
6     Quebec, Canada
7     Seattle, USA
like image 952
Johnny Oshika Avatar asked Jul 05 '12 19:07

Johnny Oshika

People also ask

How do I concatenate a column in a string in SQL?

To append a string to another and return one result, use the || operator. This adds two strings from the left and right together and returns one result. If you use the name of the column, don't enclose it in quotes. However, in using a string value as a space or text, enclose it in quotes.

2 Answers

I think this takes care of all of the issues I spotted in other answers. No need to test the length of the output or check if the leading character is a comma, no worry about concatenating non-string types, no significant increase in complexity when other columns (e.g. Postal Code) are inevitably added...

DECLARE @x TABLE(Id INT, City VARCHAR(32), Province VARCHAR(32), Country VARCHAR(32));

INSERT @x(Id, City, Province, Country) VALUES
(1,'Vancouver','British Columbia','Canada'),
(2,'New York' , null             , null   ),
(3, null      ,'Adama'           , null   ),
(4, null      , null             ,'France'),
(5,'Winnepeg' ,'Manitoba'        , null   ),
(6, null      ,'Quebec'          ,'Canada'),
(7,'Seattle'  , null             ,'USA'   );

SELECT Id, Location = STUFF(
      COALESCE(', ' + RTRIM(City),     '') 
    + COALESCE(', ' + RTRIM(Province), '') 
    + COALESCE(', ' + RTRIM(Country),  '')
    , 1, 2, '')
  FROM @x;

SQL Server 2012 added a new T-SQL function called CONCAT, but it is not useful here, since you still have to optionally include commas between discovered values, and there is no facility to do that - it just munges values together with no option for a separator. This avoids having to worry about non-string types, but doesn't allow you to handle nulls vs. non-nulls very elegantly.

like image 127
Aaron Bertrand Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 04:10

Aaron Bertrand

select Id ,   
 Coalesce( City + ',' +Province + ',' + Country,
           City+ ',' + Province,
           Province + ',' + Country,
           City+ ',' + Country,
          ) as location
from table
like image 37
Kevin Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 04:10
