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Sql Alchemy QueuePool limit overflow

I have a Sql Alchemy application that is returning TimeOut:

TimeoutError: QueuePool limit of size 5 overflow 10 reached, connection timed out, timeout 30

I read in a different post that this happens when I don't close the session but I don't know if this applies to my code:

I connect to the database in the init.py:

from .dbmodels import (     DBSession,     Base,      engine = create_engine("mysql://" + loadConfigVar("user") + ":" + loadConfigVar("password") + "@" + loadConfigVar("host") + "/" + loadConfigVar("schema"))  #Sets the engine to the session and the Base model class DBSession.configure(bind=engine) Base.metadata.bind = engine 

Then in another python file I'm gathering some data in two functions but using DBSession that I initialized in init.py:

from .dbmodels import DBSession from .dbmodels import resourcestatsModel  def getFeaturedGroups(max = 1):      try:         #Get the number of download per resource         transaction.commit()         rescount = DBSession.connection().execute("select resource_id,count(resource_id) as total FROM resourcestats")          #Move the data to an array         resources = []         data = {}         for row in rescount:             data["resource_id"] = row.resource_id             data["total"] = row.total             resources.append(data)          #Get the list of groups         group_list = toolkit.get_action('group_list')({}, {})         for group in group_list:             #Get the details of each group             group_info = toolkit.get_action('group_show')({}, {'id': group})             #Count the features of the group             addFesturedCount(resources,group,group_info)          #Order the FeaturedGroups by total         FeaturedGroups.sort(key=lambda x: x["total"],reverse=True)          print FeaturedGroups         #Move the data of the group to the result array.         result = []         count = 0         for group in FeaturedGroups:             group_info = toolkit.get_action('group_show')({}, {'id': group["group_id"]})             result.append(group_info)             count = count +1             if count == max:                 break          return result     except:         return []       def getResourceStats(resourceID):         transaction.commit()         return  DBSession.query(resourcestatsModel).filter_by(resource_id = resourceID).count() 

The session variables are created like this:

#Basic SQLAlchemy types from sqlalchemy import (     Column,     Text,     DateTime,     Integer,     ForeignKey     ) # Use SQLAlchemy declarative type from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base  # from sqlalchemy.orm import (     scoped_session,     sessionmaker,     )  #Use Zope' sqlalchemy  transaction manager from zope.sqlalchemy import ZopeTransactionExtension  #Main plugin session DBSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker(extension=ZopeTransactionExtension())) 

Because the session is created in the init.py and in subsequent code I just use it; at which point do I need to close the session? Or what else do I need to do to manage the pool size?

like image 373
QLands Avatar asked Jul 25 '14 13:07


People also ask

What is Max overflow in SQLAlchemy?

max_overflow – The maximum overflow size of the pool. When the number of checked-out connections reaches the size set in pool_size, additional connections will be returned up to this limit.

What is SQL Alchemy engine?

SQLAlchemy provides a function to create an engine for us given a connection string and optionally some additional keyword arguments. A connection string is a specially formatted string that provides: Database type (Postgres, MySQL, etc.) Dialect unless the default for the database type (Psycopg2, PyMySQL, etc.)

1 Answers

You can manage pool size by adding parameters pool_size and max_overflow in function create_engine

engine = create_engine("mysql://" + loadConfigVar("user") + ":" + loadConfigVar("password") + "@" + loadConfigVar("host") + "/" + loadConfigVar("schema"),                          pool_size=20, max_overflow=0) 

Reference is here

You don't need to close the session, but the connection should be closed after your transaction has been done. Replace:

rescount = DBSession.connection().execute("select resource_id,count(resource_id) as total FROM resourcestats") 


connection = DBSession.connection() try:     rescount = connection.execute("select resource_id,count(resource_id) as total FROM resourcestats")     #do something finally:     connection.close() 

Reference is here

Also, notice that mysql's connection that have been stale is closed after a particular period of time (this period can be configured in MySQL, I don't remember the default value), so you need passing pool_recycle value to your engine creation

like image 118
Minh-Hung Nguyen Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09

Minh-Hung Nguyen