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SpringBoot Application: Accessing Common application properties in a JSP page

I'm trying to access a property set in my application.properties in a JSP page. This is for display purposes which sends a user to a different application from our admin page. Its not needed in code at all.

application.properties entry:


In my JSP file I've tried these variations below.

<spring:eval  expression="('frontend.url')" />
<spring:eval  expression="'frontend.url'" />

These below throw errors

<spring:eval  expression="@getProperty('frontend.url')" />
<spring:eval  expression="@frontend.url" />
<spring:eval  expression="@applicationProperties.getProperty('frontend.url')" />

Is there a specific syntax to use or should I just expose a request attribute from a controller?

private String urlForDisplayPurposes;

I know the proposed method explained here enter link description here works but I really don't want an extra properties file.

like image 957
Gilberto Silva Avatar asked May 19 '16 07:05

Gilberto Silva

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2 Answers

Using @environment.getProperty() should work. For example:

<spring:eval expression="@environment.getProperty('frontend.url')" var="frontendUrl" />
<a href="${frontendUrl}">Click</a>
like image 74
g00glen00b Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 15:10


<%@ taglib prefix="spring" uri="http://www.springframework.org/tags" %>
<spring:eval expression="@environment.getProperty('myvar')" var="frontendUrl" />

and you can use "frontendUrl" in jsp

like image 25
Cesar David Guevra Mejia Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 14:10

Cesar David Guevra Mejia