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Could not connect to SMTP host: localhost, port: 25; nested exception is: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect




I'm doing application for send email from localhost in jsp & i found error like Could not connect to SMTP host: localhost, port: 25; nested exception is: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect plz check and give me solution or idea if you have .for that i'm using below code . Thanking you in advance.

 <%@ page language="java" import="javax.naming.*,java.io.*,javax.mail.*,



  Session mailSession = Session.getInstance(System.getProperties());

  Transport transport = new SMTPTransport(mailSession,new URLName("localhost"));


  MimeMessage m = new MimeMessage(mailSession);

  m.setFrom(new InternetAddress(%><%request.getParameter("from")%><%));

  Address[] toAddr = new InternetAddress[] {
              new InternetAddress(%><%request.getParameter("to")%><%)
  m.setRecipients(javax.mail.Message.RecipientType.TO, toAddr );


  m.setSentDate(new java.util.Date());

  m.setContent(%><%request.getParameter("description")%><%, "text/plain");



  out.println("Thanks for sending mail!");
catch(Exception e){



like image 364
amol Avatar asked Mar 03 '11 10:03


People also ask

Can't connect to Java SMTP host error?

MailConnectException: Couldn't connect to host, port: There can be multiple reasons for this but the most common reason for this error is the port, that you are using to send SMTP mails. Few ISPs/hosting providers block SMTP outgoing port 25. If that the case, try changing the port to 587 or 2525.

Can't connect to SMTP host?

Error: SMTP error: could not connect to SMTP host However, there are some common aspects that you may need to validate before proceeding further. Security Restrictions. Temporary connection issues. Invalid client-side settings.

Could not open connection to the host on port 587 Connect failed?

This message may vary from system to system. If Unable to connect or Connection refused message appears, that means the port is blocked. In this case, we recommend you to disable the firewall or contact your ISP.

1 Answers

First you have to ensure that there is a SMTP server listening on port 25.

To look whether you have the service, you can try using TELNET client, such as:

C:\> telnet localhost 25

(telnet client by default is disabled on most recent versions of Windows, you have to add/enable the Windows component from Control Panel. In Linux/UNIX usually telnet client is there by default.

$ telnet localhost 25

If it waits for long then time out, that means you don't have the required SMTP service. If successfully connected you enter something and able to type something, the service is there.

If you don't have the service, you can use these:

  • A mock SMTP server that will mimic the behavior of actual SMTP server, as you are using Java, it is natural to suggest Dumbster fake SMTP server. This even can be made to work within JUnit tests (with setup/tear down/validation), or independently run as separate process for integration test.
  • If your host is Windows, you can try installing Mercury email server (also comes with WAMPP package from Apache Friends) on your local before running above code.
  • If your host is Linux or UNIX, try to enable the mail service such as Postfix,
  • Another full blown SMTP server in Java, such as Apache James mail server.

If you are sure that you already have the service, may be the SMTP requires additional security credentials. If you can tell me what SMTP server listening on port 25 I may be able to tell you more.

like image 182
Daniel Baktiar Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09

Daniel Baktiar