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Spring Webflux Async PostgreSQL Publisher Stops After First Result

I am trying to replace a PostgreSQL database poller with the reactive asynchronous postgres-async-driver and stream newly inserted rows to a Spring 5 Webflux Reactive websocket client like Josh Long's awesome example demoed here and based on Sébastien Deleuze's spring-reactive-playground.

My Publisher obtains the first row, but then does not return subsequent rows. Is the problem with my Observable, my Publisher, or with how I am using the postgres-async-driver Db?

public Observable<WebSocketMessage> getObservableWSM(WebSocketSession session){
        // com.github.pgasync.Db
        // ~RowMapper method
        .map(row -> mapRowToDto(row))
        // serialize dto to String for websocket
        .map(dto -> { return objectMapper.writeValueAsString(dto); })
        // finally, write to websocket session 
        .map(str -> { return session.textMessage((String) str);

Then, I wire the Observable into my WebSocketHandler using a RxReactiveStream.toPublisher converter:

WebSocketHandler dbWebSocketHandler() {
    return session -> {
        Observable<WebSocketMessage> o = getObservableWSM(session);
        return session.send(Flux.from(RxReactiveStreams.toPublisher(o)));

That will grab the first row from my sql statement, but no additional rows. How do I continue to stream additional rows?

Ideally, I think I want the PostgreSQL equivalent of a MongoDB Tailable cursor.

like image 611
JJ Zabkar Avatar asked Mar 21 '18 15:03

JJ Zabkar

1 Answers

I created a Postgres Trigger that fires on INSERTs to my table based on this example:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION table_update_notify() RETURNS trigger AS $$
  id bigint;
    id = NEW.id;
    id = OLD.id;
  PERFORM pg_notify('my_trigger_name', json_build_object('table', TG_TABLE_NAME, 'id', id, 'type', TG_OP)::text);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Then I subscribed to that Postgres Trigger using reactive-pg-client. Here is the code from their Pub/Sub example:

PgPool subscribedNotificationHandler() {
    PgPool client = pgPool();
    client.getConnection(asyncResult -> {
        if (asyncResult.succeeded()) {
            PgConnection connection = asyncResult.result();
            connection.notificationHandler(notification -> {
                // do things with payload
            connection.query("LISTEN my_trigger_name", ar -> {
                log.info("Subscribed to channel");
    return client;
like image 155
JJ Zabkar Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 00:09

JJ Zabkar