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Get java annotation attribute value on Spring SpEL expression

I need to implement an authorization expression on multiple controllers. For this I have decided to create a personalized annotation that facilitates its use. The problem is that the authorization expression requires a parameter (an id) that can be obtained in different ways in each controller. Then

I put the annotation:

@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE})
@PreAuthorize("@authorizationService.hasAdminRole() || ( @authorizationService.hasParentRole() && @authorizationService.isYourSon(#son) )")
public @interface OnlyAccessForAdminOrParentOfTheSon {
    String son() default "";

The problem is that I do not know how to get the value of the "son" attribute of the annotation to use in the SPEL authorization expression.

The notation I use as follows:

@OnlyAccessForAdminOrParentOfTheSon(son = "#id")
@OnlyAccessForAdminOrParentOfTheSon(son = "#socialMedia.son")

Someone knows how I can fix this.

like image 723
Sergio Sánchez Sánchez Avatar asked Aug 18 '17 11:08

Sergio Sánchez Sánchez

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1 Answers

You can't achieve like this, but spring Security methods allowing to define some custom authorization rules easily. These rules can grant or deny some of the operations for a particular user.

You need to create a custom service/component which will athenticate the request as per your requirement using @PreAuthorize annotationa with expression.

public interface CustomAuthorization {
boolean onlyAccessForAdminOrParentOfTheSon(final UserDetails principal, final long id) ;

Implementation :

public final class CustomAuthorizationImpl implementes CustomAuthorization {

    public boolean onlyAccessForAdminOrParentOfTheSon(final UserDetails principal, final long id) {

        return // add you authentication condition;


now you can use it with @PreAuthorize annotationa with expression

    public final class HelloService {   

 @PreAuthorize("@customAuthorization.onlyAccessForAdminOrParentOfTheSon(principal, #id)")
            public String testMe(String id) {
                return "test successfully";


you can use it with and service/controller action, also you can modify the parameter as per your requirement.

like image 146
Bhushan Uniyal Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 04:01

Bhushan Uniyal