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Spring Security REST API roles based on URL parameters

I have a REST API written in Spring Boot with Spring Security and OAuth2. The resources are secured this way:

public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

I'd like to introduce a new part of the API where the permissions are fine grained, based on projects. Let's consider a simple endpoint that prints the project configuration.

GET /api/v1/project/{projectId}/config

How would I configure the resource server to only allow access for users who have the role ROLE_PROJECT_{projectId}_ADMIN without having to manually specify all projects?

Also if this mechanism has a specific name, please let me know in comments to I can change the question title.

like image 791
MartinTeeVarga Avatar asked Jan 05 '23 19:01


1 Answers

You can use path values in authorization expressions.

According to Path Variables in Web Security Expressions you should write your custom authorization logic.

public class WebSecurity {
  public boolean checkUserHasAccessToProjectId(Authentication authentication, int projectId) {
    // here you can check if the user has the correct role
    // or implement more complex and custom authorization logic if necessary 

Then in your Java security configuration you can refer to this method and pass it the value of the relevant path fragment.

like image 159
cjungel Avatar answered Jan 13 '23 09:01
