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Can you implement Vue.js in a Java EE web application?

I just develop a tool with my classmates and we want to use Vue.js as Web interface.

For Description what we programmed. We developed a Java EE web application in Eclipse. We use Tomcat 7 as web server. I search a long time and i found nothing.

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IFreshman Avatar asked Jan 05 '23 23:01


1 Answers

Vue.js is a javascript front-end framework. There is nothing to stop you from using that with a middle-layer/back-end technology like Java EE. In your HTML pages(or JSP) just include the Vue.js file as mentioned in the documentation, and other .js files that you create as part of your vue.js frontend application.

The library can then interface with any HTTP-based backend methods that you expose (using Servlets, Controllers, etc.) depending on how your Java EE project is structured and what frameworks it uses.

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Chetan Jadhav CD Avatar answered Jan 07 '23 21:01

Chetan Jadhav CD