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Spring Scheduled Task running in clustered environment

People also ask

How do you dynamically schedule a spring batch job?

To configure, batch job scheduling is done in two steps: Enable scheduling with @EnableScheduling annotation. Create method annotated with @Scheduled and provide recurrence details using cron job. Add the job execution logic inside this method.

Can we have multiple scheduler in spring boot?

We can deploy multiple Scheduler Instances using the ShedLock library which ensures only one instance to run at a time by using a locking mechanism in a shared database.

What is @scheduled annotation in spring?

The @EnableScheduling annotation is used to enable the scheduler for your application. This annotation should be added into the main Spring Boot application class file. @SpringBootApplication @EnableScheduling public class DemoApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.

There is a ShedLock project that serves exactly this purpose. You just annotate tasks which should be locked when executed

@Scheduled( ... )
@SchedulerLock(name = "scheduledTaskName")
public void scheduledTask() {
   // do something

Configure Spring and a LockProvider

@EnableSchedulerLock(defaultLockAtMostFor = "10m")
class MySpringConfiguration {
    public LockProvider lockProvider(DataSource dataSource) {
       return new JdbcTemplateLockProvider(dataSource);

I think you have to use Quartz Clustering with JDBC-JobStore for this purpose

The is another simple and robust way to safe execute a job in a cluster. You can based on database and execute the task only if the node is the "leader" in the cluster.

Also when a node is failed or shutdown in the cluster another node became the leader.

All you have is to create a "leader election" mechanism and every time to check if your are the leader:

@Scheduled(cron = "*/30 * * * * *")
public void executeFailedEmailTasks() {
    if (checkIfLeader()) {
        final List<EmailTask> list = emailTaskService.getFailedEmailTasks();
        for (EmailTask emailTask : list) {

Follow those steps:

1.Define the object and table that holds one entry per node in the cluster:

@Entity(name = "SYS_NODE")
public class SystemNode {

/** The id. */
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;

/** The name. */
@Column(name = "TIMESTAMP")
private String timestamp;

/** The ip. */
@Column(name = "IP")
private String ip;

/** The last ping. */
@Column(name = "LAST_PING")
private Date lastPing;

/** The last ping. */
@Column(name = "CREATED_AT")
private Date createdAt = new Date();

/** The last ping. */
@Column(name = "IS_LEADER")
private Boolean isLeader = Boolean.FALSE;

public Long getId() {
    return id;

public void setId(final Long id) {
    this.id = id;

public String getTimestamp() {
    return timestamp;

public void setTimestamp(final String timestamp) {
    this.timestamp = timestamp;

public String getIp() {
    return ip;

public void setIp(final String ip) {
    this.ip = ip;

public Date getLastPing() {
    return lastPing;

public void setLastPing(final Date lastPing) {
    this.lastPing = lastPing;

public Date getCreatedAt() {
    return createdAt;

public void setCreatedAt(final Date createdAt) {
    this.createdAt = createdAt;

public Boolean getIsLeader() {
    return isLeader;

public void setIsLeader(final Boolean isLeader) {
    this.isLeader = isLeader;

public String toString() {
    return "SystemNode{" +
            "id=" + id +
            ", timestamp='" + timestamp + '\'' +
            ", ip='" + ip + '\'' +
            ", lastPing=" + lastPing +
            ", createdAt=" + createdAt +
            ", isLeader=" + isLeader +


2.Create the service that a) insert the node in database , b) check for leader

public class SystemNodeServiceImpl implements SystemNodeService,    ApplicationListener {

/** The logger. */
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(SystemNodeService.class);

/** The constant NO_ALIVE_NODES. */
private static final String NO_ALIVE_NODES = "Not alive nodes found in list {0}";

/** The ip. */
private String ip;

/** The system service. */
private SystemService systemService;

/** The system node repository. */
private SystemNodeRepository systemNodeRepository;

public void setSystemService(final SystemService systemService) {
    this.systemService = systemService;

public void setSystemNodeRepository(final SystemNodeRepository systemNodeRepository) {
    this.systemNodeRepository = systemNodeRepository;

public void pingNode() {
    final SystemNode node = systemNodeRepository.findByIp(ip);
    if (node == null) {
    } else {

public void checkLeaderShip() {
    final List<SystemNode> allList = systemNodeRepository.findAll();
    final List<SystemNode> aliveList = filterAliveNodes(allList);

    SystemNode leader = findLeader(allList);
    if (leader != null && aliveList.contains(leader)) {
        setLeaderFlag(allList, Boolean.FALSE);
    } else {
        final SystemNode node = findMinNode(aliveList);

        setLeaderFlag(allList, Boolean.FALSE);

 * Returns the leaded
 * @param list
 *          the list
 * @return  the leader
private SystemNode findLeader(final List<SystemNode> list) {
    for (SystemNode systemNode : list) {
        if (systemNode.getIsLeader()) {
            return systemNode;
    return null;

public boolean isLeader() {
    final SystemNode node = systemNodeRepository.findByIp(ip);
    return node != null && node.getIsLeader();

public void onApplicationEvent(final ApplicationEvent applicationEvent) {
    try {
        ip = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    if (applicationEvent instanceof ContextRefreshedEvent) {

 * Creates the node
private void createNode() {
    final SystemNode node = new SystemNode();
    node.setCreatedAt(new Date());
    node.setLastPing(new Date());

 * Updates the node
private void updateNode(final SystemNode node) {
    node.setLastPing(new Date());

 * Returns the alive nodes.
 * @param list
 *         the list
 * @return the alive nodes
private List<SystemNode> filterAliveNodes(final List<SystemNode> list) {
    int timeout = systemService.getSetting(SettingEnum.SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION_SYSTEM_NODE_ALIVE_TIMEOUT, Integer.class);
    final List<SystemNode> finalList = new LinkedList<>();
    for (SystemNode systemNode : list) {
        if (!DateUtils.hasExpired(systemNode.getLastPing(), timeout)) {
    if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(finalList)) {
        LOGGER.warn(MessageFormat.format(NO_ALIVE_NODES, list));
        throw new RuntimeException(MessageFormat.format(NO_ALIVE_NODES, list));
    return finalList;

 * Finds the min name node.
 * @param list
 *         the list
 * @return the min node
private SystemNode findMinNode(final List<SystemNode> list) {
    SystemNode min = list.get(0);
    for (SystemNode systemNode : list) {
        if (systemNode.getTimestamp().compareTo(min.getTimestamp()) < -1) {
            min = systemNode;
    return min;

 * Sets the leader flag.
 * @param list
 *         the list
 * @param value
 *         the value
private void setLeaderFlag(final List<SystemNode> list, final Boolean value) {
    for (SystemNode systemNode : list) {


3.ping the database to send that your are alive

@Scheduled(cron = "0 0/5 * * * ?")
public void executeSystemNodePing() {

@Scheduled(cron = "0 0/10 * * * ?")
public void executeLeaderResolution() {

4.you are ready! Just check if you are the leader before execute the task:

@Scheduled(cron = "*/30 * * * * *")
public void executeFailedEmailTasks() {
    if (checkIfLeader()) {
        final List<EmailTask> list = emailTaskService.getFailedEmailTasks();
        for (EmailTask emailTask : list) {

Batch and scheduled jobs are typically run on their own standalone servers, away from customer facing apps so it is not a common requirement to include a job in an application that is expected to run on a cluster. Additionally, jobs in clustered environments typically do not need to worry about other instances of the same job running in parallel so another reason why isolation of job instances is not a big requirement.

A simple solution would be to configure your jobs inside a Spring Profile. For example, if your current configuration is:

  <bean id="someBean" .../>

    <task:scheduled ref="someBean" method="execute" cron="0/60 * * * * *"/>

change it to:

  <beans profile="scheduled">
    <bean id="someBean" .../>

      <task:scheduled ref="someBean" method="execute" cron="0/60 * * * * *"/>

Then, launch your application on just one machine with the scheduled profile activated (-Dspring.profiles.active=scheduled).

If the primary server becomes unavailable for some reason, just launch another server with the profile enabled and things will continue to work just fine.

Things change if you want automatic failover for the jobs as well. Then, you will need to keep the job running on all servers and check synchronization through a common resource such as a database table, a clustered cache, a JMX variable, etc.