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Spring MVC WebApp : @schedule: java-sdk-http-connection-reaper : Failed to Stop

I have a Web Application(using Spring 3.1) which uses @Scheduled Annotation for periodically executing a worker task (scheduled delay). The worker task opens up a connection to AWS DynamoDb and does some DB read/updates. When I stop the webapp (from Tomcat manager) I get this message in catalina.out:

"SEVERE: The web application [] appears to have started a thread named [java-sdk-http-connection-reaper] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak."

I get a feeling that this has something to do with my scheduled task still running even after Tomcat stops.

public class TaskScheduler implements ApplicationListener<ContextClosedEvent>{

private WorkerTask workerTask;

AmazonDynamoDBClient myDbConn = null;

   private TaskScheduler() {    
   myDbConn = new AWSConnector("aws.properties").getDynamoConnection();

 * Will be repeatedly called, 10 seconds after the finish of the previous 
 * invocation.
public void process() {
    System.out.println("Scheduling worker task");
            //worker task does some db read/writes
    Future<String> status = workerTask.work(myDbConn);
    if (status.isDone()) {
        System.out.println("Completed Task");


public void onApplicationEvent(ContextClosedEvent arg0) {
    if(event instanceof ContextClosedEvent) {   
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      if(myDbConn != null) {



<task:annotation-driven scheduler="taskScheduler"/>
<task:scheduler id="taskScheduler" pool-size="2"/>
<bean id="TaskScheduler" class="com.sample.TaskScheduler"/>

Am I doing this correctly? a) I don't explicitly start the TaskScheduler. So i'm assuming spring takes care of starting this service. The 'this.myDbConn.shutdown()' is called. Despite this, I get the error. I'm using Spring MVC.

like image 715
agentx Avatar asked Aug 05 '13 22:08


3 Answers

This is likely caused by the AWS library which starts a thread in the background called com.amazonaws.http.IdleConnectionReaper

You can shut it down by implementing a ServletContextListener to close it on shutdown

public class YourListener implements ServletContextListener {

public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent contextEvent) {


public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent contextEvent) {

    try {
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        // log the error

and adding this to your web.xml

like image 200
David Wartell Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 04:10

David Wartell

I had this issue as well but I decided on an alternative solution to @David_Wartell's above.

I tracked down the class that was creating an offending object/objects from Amazon's aws-java-sdk library that were starting up the IdleConnectionReaper thread but never shutting down (these were com.amazonaws.services.ec2.AmazonEC2Client and com.amazonaws.services.cloudwatch.AmazonCloudWatchClient). Then I added a destroy() method to this class which called the static method com.amazonaws.http.IdleConnectionReaper.shutdown(). The destroy method is called when the class is garbage collected and it is configured using Spring applicationContext.xml. The advantages of doing it this way are that it will work even for non web applications and it de-couples the thread shutdown from your web context. The proper solution is that the classes from the amazon aws-java-sdk library that start the IdleConnectionReaper thread should shut it down but they don't - hence this bug. See references and code snippets below for my solution:


<bean id="YourBeanName" class="com.your.package.name.YourBeanName" destroy-method="destroy">
    <!-- other optional configuration goes here -->

YourBeanName.java - (class that creates the offending amazon objects)

    public class YourBeanName {

        // omitted code

        public void destroy() {

        // omitted code



Amazon forum - Shutting down IdleConnectionReaper
Spring docs - Customizing the nature of a bean

like image 21
Stuart Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 06:10


On top of Stuart's answer (and assuming you are using Spring), an alternative if you don't use XML configuration files:

public class MyBean {

// ...

    private void cleanUp() {
        try {
            // Shutting down AWS IdleConnectionReaper thread...
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            // log error


It has worked for me, when I used a bean implementing com.amazonaws.services.s3.AmazonS3 interface.

like image 4
Jose Alban Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 05:10

Jose Alban