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Hibernate Criterion IN Clause 1000 break up

Hi i have this large oracle hibernate web applications and it seems to give this error

ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000

and i need a java code tested by someone as a hibernate user defined component to add to my search java classes in my screen as easy as possible could someone have such tested component?

like image 637
shareef Avatar asked Feb 14 '13 06:02


3 Answers

i tried this below code from link and it seem to work beautifully i will paste the code in-case the link were broken in future.

Keep it Simple Keep it Smile :)

    * An utility method to build the Criterion Query IN clause if the number of parameter
    * values passed has a size more than 1000. Oracle does not allow more than
    * 1000 parameter values in a IN clause. Doing so a {@link SQLException} is
    * thrown with error code, 'ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000'.
    * @param propertyName
    * @param values
    * @return
import java.util.List;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions;

 * @author 2796
public class SplitHibernateIn {

    private static int PARAMETER_LIMIT = 999;

    public static org.hibernate.criterion.Criterion buildInCriterion(String propertyName, List values) {
        org.hibernate.criterion.Criterion criterion = null;

        int listSize = values.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < listSize; i += PARAMETER_LIMIT) {
            List subList;
            if (listSize > i + PARAMETER_LIMIT) {
                subList = values.subList(i, (i + PARAMETER_LIMIT));
            } else {
                subList = values.subList(i, listSize);
            if (criterion != null) {
                criterion = Restrictions.or(criterion, Restrictions.in(propertyName, subList));
            } else {
                criterion = Restrictions.in(propertyName, subList);
        return criterion;
like image 167
3 revs Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 10:11

3 revs

The same idea, but using javax Predicate.

private static int PARAMETER_LIMIT = 999;

private static Predicate createInStatement(CriteriaBuilder cb, Path fieldName, List values) {
    int listSize = values.size();
    Predicate predicate = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < listSize; i += PARAMETER_LIMIT) {
        List subList;
        if (listSize > i + PARAMETER_LIMIT) {
            subList = values.subList(i, (i + PARAMETER_LIMIT));
        } else {
            subList = values.subList(i, listSize);
        if (predicate == null) {
            predicate = fieldName.in(subList);
        } else {
            predicate = cb.or(predicate, fieldName.in(subList));
    return predicate;

And the usage

public List<Bean> getBeanList(List<Long> pkList) {
    CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
    CriteriaQuery<Bean> query = cb.createQuery(Bean.class);
    Root<Bean> root = query.from(Bean.class);

    // "Bean_" is a @StaticMetamodel(Bean.class)
    Predicate inStatement = createInStatement(cb, root.get(Bean_.pk), pkList);

    return entityManager.createQuery(query).getResultList();
like image 42
AlexV Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 09:11


While current answers are fine, I think this one is simpler both to implement and to understand:

private <T> Disjunction restrictionPropertyIn(String property, ArrayList<T> list) {
    Disjunction criterion = Restrictions.disjunction();
    for (List<T> idSubset : Lists.partition(list, 1000)) {
        criterion.add(Restrictions.in(property, idSubset));
    return criterion;
  • Restrictions.disjunction() is equivalent to concatenating several Criteria using Restrictions.or().
  • Lists is a utility class from Guava; partition(list, limit) splits list into sublists of size limit.

The returned Criterion can be used as-is in any place a Criterion is expected, like:

List<Long> fiveThousandIds = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, ..., 999, 1000, 1001, ..., 5000);
Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(Employee.class);
crit.add(restrictionPropertyIn("employeeId", fiveThousandIds));

If you need to support different DBs with different IN clause limits, you can turn the hardcoded 1000 into a parameter instead.

like image 1
walen Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 09:11
