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Spring integration gateway "Dispatcher has no subscribers"

I am getting an exception Dispatcher has no subscribers on the outboundChannel and can't figure out why. I am sure its something simple, I have stripped back my code to a very simple sample below:

My context is:

<bean id="requestService"
    class="com.sandpit.RequestService" />

<integration:channel id="inboundChannel" />

<integration:service-activator id="service"
    method="handleRequest" />

<integration:channel id="outboundChannel" />

<integration:gateway id="gateway"
    default-reply-channel="outboundChannel" />

<bean class="com.sandpit.GatewayTester">
    <property name="gateway"
        ref="gateway" />

My Java code is:

public interface Gateway {

    String receive();
    void send(String message);

public class RequestService {

    public String handleRequest(String request) {

        return "Request received: " + request;

public class GatewayTester implements ApplicationListener<ContextRefreshedEvent> {

    private Gateway gateway;

    public void setGateway(Gateway gateway) {

        this.gateway = gateway;

    public void onApplicationEvent(ContextRefreshedEvent event) {

        gateway.send("Hello world!");
        System.out.println("FROM SERVICE: " + gateway.receive());

Note: A breakpoint does tell me that the RequestService is actually handling the request.

like image 794
Cheetah Avatar asked May 16 '14 13:05


1 Answers

receive() with no args needs the reply channel to be a PollableChannel See the documentation.

add <queue/> to the outboundChannel.

Alternatively, You could change your gateway method to be String sendAndReceive(String in) and all will work as expected (and you can even remove the outboundChannel altogether).

like image 149
Gary Russell Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 19:10

Gary Russell