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Spring batch - running multiple jobs in parallel

I am new to Spring batch and couldn't figure out how to do this..

Basically I have a spring file poller which runs every N mins to look for files with some name (ex: A.txt & B.txt) in certain directory. At any moment in time, there could be max 2 files in this directory (A and B). Through Spring Batch Job, these two files will be processed and persisted to 2 different DB tables.

These files are somewhat similar, so the same processor/writer is used.

Right now the way I set up, every polling cycle 1 file is picked up and job is ran.

Let's say there are 2 files in the directory (A.txt and B.txt), is there a way to create 2 jobs so that both jobs can be run in parallel?

like image 894
ljustin Avatar asked Aug 16 '17 16:08


People also ask

How do I run multiple jobs parallelly in Spring Batch?

1) Multi-Threaded Steps Spring Batch Parallel Processing is each chunk in its own thread by adding a task executor to the step. If there are a million records to process and each chunk is 1000 records, and the task executor exposes four threads, you can handle 4000 records in parallel instead of 1000 records.

Does Spring Batch run in parallel?

When you are ready to start implementing a job with some parallel processing, Spring Batch offers a range of options, which are described in this chapter, although some features are covered elsewhere. At a high level, there are two modes of parallel processing: Single process, multi-threaded. Multi-process.

How do you run two jobs sequentially in Spring Batch?

getBean("jobLauncher"); or do Autowired for this JobLauncher bean in main class and launch specific jobs sequentially in specific sequential order by invoking , jobLauncher. run(job, jobParameters) . You can get specific job instances from context initialized at step # 2.

How does multithreading work in Spring Batch?

Multithreaded steps. By default, Spring Batch uses the same thread to execute a batch job from start to finish, meaning that everything runs sequentially. Spring Batch also allows multithreading at the step level. This makes it possible to process chunks using several threads.

1 Answers

There are very good approaches in order to run jobs in async mode with Spring, it is just a matter of how is configured the JobLauncher. The JobLauncher has a taskExecutor property and the asynchronous execution could be activated depending on the implementation that is assigned to that property.

You can find all the TaskExecutor types that Spring can provide and depending on your needs select the best approach to accomplish your batch asynchronous jobs. Task Executors Types in Spring

For example SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor is a task executor that will create a new Thread on any invocation and that could generate a performance issue if the execution runs with high frequency. In the other hand there are also TaskExecutors types that provides pooling features in order to reuse resources and maximize the efficiency of the system.

Here is an small example of how configure a ThreadPoolTaskExecutor:

A) Configure ThreadPoolTaskExecutor Bean

    public ThreadPoolTaskExecutor taskExecutor() {
    ThreadPoolTaskExecutor taskExecutor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
    return taskExecutor;

B) Configure JobLauncher Bean

    public JobLauncher jobLauncher(ThreadPoolTaskExecutor taskExecutor, JobRepository jobRepository){
        SimpleJobLauncher jobLauncher = new SimpleJobLauncher();
        return jobLauncher;

C) Inject your JobLauncher and your Jobs configuration

private JobLauncher jobLauncher;

private Job job1;

private Job job2;

D) Schedule the jobs

@Scheduled(cron = "*/1 * * * * *")
public void run1(){
    Map<String, JobParameter> confMap = new HashMap<>();
    confMap.put("time", new JobParameter(System.currentTimeMillis()));
    JobParameters jobParameters = new JobParameters(confMap);
    try {
        jobLauncher.run(job1, jobParameters);
    }catch (Exception ex){


@Scheduled(cron = "*/1 * * * * *")
public void run2(){
    Map<String, JobParameter> confMap = new HashMap<>();
    confMap.put("time", new JobParameter(System.currentTimeMillis()));
    JobParameters jobParameters = new JobParameters(confMap);
    try {
        jobLauncher.run(job2, jobParameters);
    }catch (Exception ex){


E) Finally on your SpringBoot Class @EnableBatchProcessing and @EnableScheduling

public class MyBatchApp {
like image 71
Daniel C. Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09

Daniel C.