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Spring: get all Beans of certain interface AND type

In my Spring Boot application, suppose I have interface in Java:

public interface MyFilter<E extends SomeDataInterface>  

(a good example is Spring's public interface ApplicationListener< E extends ApplicationEvent > )

and I have couple of implementations like:

@Component public class DesignatedFilter1 implements MyFilter<SpecificDataInterface>{...}  @Component public class DesignatedFilter2 implements MyFilter<SpecificDataInterface>{...}  @Component public class DesignatedFilter3 implements MyFilter<AnotherSpecificDataInterface>{...} 

Then, in some object I am interested to utilize all filters that implement MyFilter< SpecificDataInterface > but NOT MyFilter< AnotherSpecificDataInterface >

What would be the syntax for this?

like image 239
onkami Avatar asked Oct 27 '16 13:10


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1 Answers

The following will inject every MyFilter instance that has a type that extends SpecificDataInterface as generic argument into the List.

@Autowired private List<MyFilter<? extends SpecificDataInterface>> list; 
like image 167
mh-dev Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09
