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Spring Data - ignore parameter if it has a null value

I want to have a spring data repository interface that takes two parameters. Is there a way to make it have the following behaviour?

MyObject findByParameterOneAndParameterTwo( String parameterOne, String parameterTwo); 

If both parameters have a value, I would like it to behave normally and do an "AND" for both values.

If for example the second parameter is null, then it would search only by ParameterOne

Any suggestions?

like image 636
Panos Avatar asked May 04 '17 10:05


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2 Answers

I'm not sure it is possible with repository methods naming but you can use @Query like

(:parameterOne is null or parameter1 = :parameterOne) and (:parameterTwo is null or parameter2 = :parameterTwo) 
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Kadzhaev Marat Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 12:09

Kadzhaev Marat

One solution that's missing here is Spring Data JPA's Query By Example feature and leverage the ExampleMatcher#ignoreNullValues, which is built exactly to solve this problem. A custom query and query builder are not necessary.

This Spring Data query:

ExampleMatcher matcher = ExampleMatcher.matching().withIgnoreNullValues(); Example<MyObject> exampleQuery = Example.of(new MyObject("foo", null), matcher); List<MyObject> results = repository.findAll(exampleQuery); 

Yields a query that looks like:

select *  from myObject  where parameter1 = "foo" 

While the following:

ExampleMatcher matcher = ExampleMatcher.matching().withIgnoreNullValues(); Example<MyObject> exampleQuery = Example.of(new MyObject("foo", "bar"), matcher); List<MyObject> results = repository.findAll(exampleQuery); 


select *  from myObject  where parameter1 = "foo" and parameter2 = "bar" 

Very cool!

Note: One thing you'll have to do to your Repository interface is add the QueryByExample interface. You can do this either by extending the QueryByExample interface directly, or implicity via the JpaRepository:

public interface MyObjectRepository extends JpaRepository<MyObject, Long> {} 
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Dovmo Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09
