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Spring Cache @Cacheable - not working while calling from another method of the same bean

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Why is cache not working?

Here are some ways you can try to fix your caching problem, in order of escalation: Try holding down the Shift key while pressing the Refresh button. Close your browser and re-open it (make sure you are NOT on the cached page) and delete your temporary Internet files (clear your cache).

How does Spring cache work internally?

Spring Cache uses the parameters of the method as key and the return value as a value in the cache. When the method is called the first time, Spring will check if the value with the given key is in the cache. It will not be the case, and the method itself will be executed.

How do I use spring boot cache?

To enable the Spring Boot caching feature, you need to add the @EnableCaching annotation to any of your classes annotated with @Configuration or to the boot application class annotated with @SpringBootApplication .

I believe this is how it works. From what I remember reading, there is a proxy class generated that intercepts all requests and responds with the cached value, but 'internal' calls within the same class will not get the cached value.

From https://code.google.com/p/ehcache-spring-annotations/wiki/UsingCacheable

Only external method calls coming in through the proxy are intercepted. This means that self-invocation, in effect, a method within the target object calling another method of the target object, will not lead to an actual cache interception at runtime even if the invoked method is marked with @Cacheable.

Since Spring 4.3 the problem could be solved using self-autowiring over @Resource annotation:

@CacheConfig(cacheNames = "SphereClientFactoryCache")
public class CacheableSphereClientFactoryImpl implements SphereClientFactory {

     * 1. Self-autowired reference to proxified bean of this class.
    private SphereClientFactory self;

    @Cacheable(sync = true)
    public SphereClient createSphereClient(@Nonnull TenantConfig tenantConfig) {
        // 2. call cached method using self-bean
        return self.createSphereClient(tenantConfig.getSphereClientConfig());

    @Cacheable(sync = true)
    public SphereClient createSphereClient(@Nonnull SphereClientConfig clientConfig) {
        return CtpClientConfigurationUtils.createSphereClient(clientConfig);

The example below is what I use to hit the proxy from within the same bean, it is similar to @mario-eis' solution, but I find it a bit more readable (maybe it's not:-). Anyway, I like to keep the @Cacheable annotations at the service level:

public class SettingServiceImpl implements SettingService {

private SettingRepository settingRepository;

private ApplicationContext applicationContext;

public String findValue(String name) {
    Setting setting = settingRepository.findOne(name);
    if(setting == null){
        return null;
    return setting.getValue();

public Boolean findBoolean(String name) {
    String value = getSpringProxy().findValue(name);
    if (value == null) {
        return null;
    return Boolean.valueOf(value);

 * Use proxy to hit cache 
private SettingService getSpringProxy() {
    return applicationContext.getBean(SettingService.class);

See also Starting new transaction in Spring bean

Here is what I do for small projects with only marginal usage of method calls within the same class. In-code documentation is strongly advidsed, as it may look strage to colleagues. But its easy to test, simple, quick to achieve and spares me the full blown AspectJ instrumentation. However, for more heavy usage I'd advice the AspectJ solution.

@Scope(proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
class AService {

    private final AService _aService;

    public AService(AService aService) {
        _aService = aService;

    public List<EmployeeData> getEmployeeData(Date date){
        ..println("Cache is not being used");

    public List<EmployeeEnrichedData> getEmployeeEnrichedData(Date date){
        List<EmployeeData> employeeData = _aService.getEmployeeData(date);

If you call a cached method from same bean it will be treated as a private method and annotations will be ignored

In my Case I add variable :

private AService  aService;

So I call the getEmployeeData method by using the aService

public class AService {

public List<EmployeeData> getEmployeeData(Date date){
..println("Cache is not being used");

public List<EmployeeEnrichedData> getEmployeeEnrichedData(Date date){
    List<EmployeeData> employeeData = aService.getEmployeeData(date);


It will use the cache in this case.