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Observable vs Flowable rxJava2

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What is flowable RxJava?

RxJava 2 introduced a functional interface FlowableOnSubscribe, which represents a Flowable that starts emitting events after the consumer subscribes to it. Due to that, all clients will receive the same set of events, which makes FlowableOnSubscribe backpressure-safe.

What is the difference between Observable and single?

Single and Completable are new types introduced exclusively at RxJava that represent reduced types of Observable , that have more concise API. Single represent Observable that emit single value or error. You can think of the differences like the differences of a method that returns: Collection of Objects - Observable.

What is flowable in Kotlin?

Flowable — same as Observable, but with backpressure support. Single — stream which can have only single event (either value or error) Maybe — same as Single, with distinction that it might complete without providing any value. Completable — stream which can only complete without emitting values.

What is flowable in android?

Flowable. Flowable is typically used when an Observable is emitting huge amounts of data but the Observer is not able to handle this data emission. This is known as Back Pressure .

What backpressure manifests in practice is bounded buffers, Flowable.observeOn has a buffer of 128 elements that gets drained as fast as the dowstream can take it. You can increase this buffer size individually to handle bursty source and all the backpressure-management practices still apply from 1.x. Observable.observeOn has an unbounded buffer that keeps collecting the elements and your app may run out of memory.

You may use Observable for example:

  • handling GUI events
  • working with short sequences (less than 1000 elements total)

You may use Flowable for example:

  • cold and non-timed sources
  • generator like sources
  • network and database accessors

Backpressure is when your observable (publisher) is creating more events than your subscriber can handle. So you can get subscribers missing events, or you can get a huge queue of events which just leads to out of memory eventually. Flowable takes backpressure into consideration. Observable does not. Thats it.

it reminds me of a funnel which when it has too much liquid overflows. Flowable can help with not making that happen:

with tremendous backpressure:

enter image description here

but with using flowable, there is much less backpressure :

enter image description here

Rxjava2 has a few backpressure strategies you can use depending on your usecase. by strategy i mean Rxjava2 supplies a way to handle the objects that cannot be processed because of the overflow (backpressure).

here are the strategies. I wont go through them all, but for example if you want to not worry about the items that are overflowed you can use a drop strategy like this:


As far as i know there should be a 128 item limit on the queue, after that there can be a overflow (backpressure). Even if its not 128 its close to that number. Hope this helps someone.

if you need to change the buffer size from 128 it looks like it can be done like this (but watch any memory constraints:

myObservable.toFlowable(BackpressureStrategy.MISSING).buffer(256); //but using MISSING might be slower.  

in software developement usually back pressure strategy means your telling the emitter to slow down a bit as the consumer cannot handle the velocity your emitting events.

The fact that your Flowable crashed after emitting 128 values without backpressure handling doesn't mean it will always crash after exactly 128 values: sometimes it will crash after 10, and sometimes it will not crash at all. I believe this is what happened when you tried the example with Observable - there happened to be no backpressure, so your code worked normally, next time it may not. The difference in RxJava 2 is that there is no concept of backpressure in Observables anymore, and no way to handle it. If you're designing a reactive sequence that will probably require explicit backpressure handling - then Flowable is your best choice.