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Spring boot - Not a managed type

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What is @NoRepositoryBean?

Annotation Type NoRepositoryBean This will typically be used when providing an extended base interface for all repositories in combination with a custom repository base class to implement methods declared in that intermediate interface.

What is spring boot EntityScan?

@EntityScan annotation is used when entity classes are not placed in the main application package or its sub-packages. In this situation, we would declare the package or list of packages in the main configuration class within @EntityScan annotation.

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Configure the location of entities using @EntityScan in Spring Boot entry point class.

Update on Sept 2016: For Spring Boot 1.4+:
use org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.domain.EntityScan
instead of org.springframework.boot.orm.jpa.EntityScan, as ...boot.orm.jpa.EntityScan is deprecated as of Spring Boot 1.4

Try adding All the following, In my application it is working fine with tomcat

 @ComponentScan(basePackages = { "my.package.base.*" })

I am using spring boot, and when i am using embedded tomcat it was working fine with out @EntityScan("my.package.base.*") but when I tried to deploy the app to an external tomcat I got not a managed type error for my entity.

Extra read:

@ComponentScan is used for scanning all your components those are marked as @Controller, @Service, @Repository, @Component etc…

where as @EntityScan is used to scan all your Entities those are marked @Entity for any configured JPA in your application.

I think replacing @ComponentScan with @ComponentScan("com.nervy.dialer.domain") will work.

Edit :

I have added a sample application to demonstrate how to set up a pooled datasource connection with BoneCP.

The application has the same structure with yours. I hope this will help you to resolve your configuration problems

If you configure your own EntityManagerFactory Bean or if you have copy-pasted such a persistence configuration from another project, you must set or adapt the package in EntityManagerFactory's configuration:

public EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory() throws PropertyVetoException {
    HibernateJpaVendorAdapter vendorAdapter = new HibernateJpaVendorAdapter();
    LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean factory;
    factory = new LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean();

Be careful of the "multiple" needs, you need a String array as the argument passed to setPackagesToScan (and NOT a comma-separated-single-string value). Below illustrates the issue.

    String[] packagesArray = "com.mypackage1,com.mypackage2".split(",");

In my case the problem was due to my forgetting to have annotated my Entity classes with @javax.persistence.Entity annotation. Doh!

//The class reported as "not a amanaged type"
public class MyEntityClass extends my.base.EntityClass {

I got this error because I stupidly wrote

public interface FooBarRepository extends CrudRepository<FooBarRepository, Long> { ...

A brief explanation: One typically creates a FooBarRepository class to manage FooBar objects (often representing data in a table called something like foo_bar.) When extending the CrudRepository to create the specialized repository class, one needs to specify the type that's being managed -- in this case, FooBar. What I mistakenly typed, though, was FooBarRepository rather than FooBar. FooBarRepository is not the type (the class) I'm trying to manage with the FooBarRepository. Therefore, the compiler issues this error.

I highlighted the mistaken bit of typing in bold. Delete the highlighted word Repository in my example and the code compiles.

You can use @EntityScan annotation and provide your entity package for scanning all your jpa entities. You can use this annotation on your base application class where you have used @SpringBootApplication annotation.

e.g. @EntityScan("com.test.springboot.demo.entity")