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How to set base url for rest in spring boot?

People also ask

What is base URL?

The URL found in the address bar of the front page of a website is its base URL. In other words, the common prefix found while navigating inside a given website is known as the base URL. One can select a base URL from the list of those available with help of the URL general properties page.

With Spring Boot 1.2+ (<2.0) all it takes is a single property in application.properties:


ref link : https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/rest/docs/current/reference/html/#getting-started.changing-base-uri

For 2.x, use


A bit late but the same question brought me here before reaching the answer so I post it here. Create (if you still don't have it) an application.properties and add


So in the previous example if you have a RestController with @RequestMapping("/test") you will access it like localhost:8080/api/test/{your_rest_method}

question source: how do i choose the url for my spring boot webapp

For spring boot framework version 2.0.4.RELEASE+. Add this line to application.properties


I couldn't believe how complicate the answer to this seemingly simple question is. Here are some references:

  • Spring JIRA Ticket
  • Another SO question
  • Yet another SO question
  • Very nice GitRepository that showcases the problem

There are many differnt things to consider:

  1. By settingserver.context-path=/api in application.properties you can configure a prefix for everything.(Its server.context-path not server.contextPath !)
  2. Spring Data controllers annotated with @RepositoryRestController that expose a repository as rest endpoint will use the environment variable spring.data.rest.base-path in application.properties. But plain @RestController won't take this into account. According to the spring data rest documentation there is an annotation @BasePathAwareController that you can use for that. But I do have problems in connection with Spring-security when I try to secure such a controller. It is not found anymore.

Another workaround is a simple trick. You cannot prefix a static String in an annotation, but you can use expressions like this:

public class PingController {

   * Simple is alive test
   * @return <pre>{"Hello":"World"}</pre>
  public String isAlive() {
    return "{\"Hello\":\"World\"}";

Since this is the first google hit for the problem and I assume more people will search for this. There is a new option since Spring Boot '1.4.0'. It is now possible to define a custom RequestMappingHandlerMapping that allows to define a different path for classes annotated with @RestController

A different version with custom annotations that combines @RestController with @RequestMapping can be found at this blog post

public class WebConfig {

    public WebMvcRegistrationsAdapter webMvcRegistrationsHandlerMapping() {
        return new WebMvcRegistrationsAdapter() {
            public RequestMappingHandlerMapping getRequestMappingHandlerMapping() {
                return new RequestMappingHandlerMapping() {
                    private final static String API_BASE_PATH = "api";

                    protected void registerHandlerMethod(Object handler, Method method, RequestMappingInfo mapping) {
                        Class<?> beanType = method.getDeclaringClass();
                        if (AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(beanType, RestController.class) != null) {
                            PatternsRequestCondition apiPattern = new PatternsRequestCondition(API_BASE_PATH)

                            mapping = new RequestMappingInfo(mapping.getName(), apiPattern,
                                    mapping.getMethodsCondition(), mapping.getParamsCondition(),
                                    mapping.getHeadersCondition(), mapping.getConsumesCondition(),
                                    mapping.getProducesCondition(), mapping.getCustomCondition());

                        super.registerHandlerMethod(handler, method, mapping);