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Spring boot and Thymeleaf - Hot swap templates and resources once again

I tried all tips and tricks that I found here and in docs, but still no luck. I have Spring webapp with Thymeleaf. Resources and templates are not reloaded when I call update in IDEA (it says nothing to reload). I can then press ctrl+f5 in a browser like crazy, changes are just not there.

Everything is configured in one Java class like this:

public class MvcConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter implements ApplicationContextAware {

My folder structure now looks like this, but I also tried to put the resources without "static" folder or to webapp/resources.


public void addResourceHandlers(final ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {

I specified cache=false in both application.properties:


and in mentioned MvcConfig class:

public SpringResourceTemplateResolver templateResolver() {
    SpringResourceTemplateResolver templateResolver = new SpringResourceTemplateResolver();
    return templateResolver;

According to some answers on SO i added dependency for devtools:


Still not working. Some said to add maven boot plugin with addResources=true, so I did:


My Idea is set properly I guess, because when I call update, my Java classes are reloaded immediately. Only resources and html files are not, I must restart server for it. Actualy *.html files are not so big a deal, but to restart server after every small css and js change is slowing me down a lot, and as I lost almost 15 hours figuring out what is wrong, it started to be really frustrating.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

like image 613
Luke Avatar asked Oct 15 '16 08:10


People also ask

Where do Thymeleaf templates go in Spring Boot?

Thymeleaf in Spring Boot By default, HTML files should be placed in the resources/templates location.

What is better than Thymeleaf?

AngularJS, Vaadin, JSTL, Bootstrap, and React are the most popular alternatives and competitors to Thymeleaf.

Do people still use Thymeleaf?

While Thymeleaf is more of a template engine for server-side application development. But Thymeleaf's popularity is on a steady rise. The developer community is slowly moving away from 'once a common' MVC framework for Javascript-based development.

Is Thymeleaf better than JSP?

Thymeleaf is a great templating engine which replaces JSP, and you can easily use it in any Spring MVC or Spring Boot application. Unlike JSP it's a pleasure to use.

2 Answers

I have spent some time on it and finally here I'll explain how I got it working. Googling around you may find several info:

  • Spring Boot hot swap
  • SO - Spring Boot + Jetty & hot deployment
  • SO - Netbeans 8 won't reload static Thymeleaf files

My inital approach was to disable caching and add Spring dev tools:

Spring boot application.properties




Using the snippet above however is not enough since the hot swap is done only when making the project (CTRL + F9 in Intellij Idea). This is due to the fact that the default template resolver is classpath based and that's the reason a recompilation is necessary.

A working solution is to override the defaultTemplateResolver by using a file system based resolver:



Application class

public class MyApplication {

    private ThymeleafProperties properties;

    private String templatesRoot;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(MyApplication.class, args);

    public ITemplateResolver defaultTemplateResolver() {
        FileTemplateResolver resolver = new FileTemplateResolver();
        return resolver;

I find this solution optimal since it allow you to externalize the configuration and use different profiles (dev, prod, etc..) while having the benefit of reloading the changes by just pressing F5 :)

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Paizo Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 12:10


Here are my settings with IntelliJ IDEA (2018.3), it's reload HTML after the changes are saved:

  1. In application.properties:

    spring.resources.static-locations = classpath:/resources/static
    spring.resources.cache.period = 0
  2. In pom.xml, set <addResources>true</addResources>

  3. Menu Run => Edit Configurations (IntelliJ IDEA)

On frame deactivation: Update resources

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khoibv Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 10:10
