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Spring: Bean property not writable or has an invalid setter method

I'm experimenting with Spring, I'm following the book: Spring: A developer's notebook. I'm getting this error:

"Bean property 'storeName' is not writable or has an invalid setter method. Does the parameter type of the setter match the return type of the getter?"

.. and I'm quite lost.

I have an ArrayListRentABike class which implements RentABike:

import java.util.*;

public class ArrayListRentABike implements RentABike {
    private String storeName;
    final List bikes = new ArrayList( );

    public ArrayListRentABike( ) { initBikes( ); }

    public ArrayListRentABike(String storeName) {
        this.storeName = storeName;
        initBikes( );

public void initBikes( ) {
    bikes.add(new Bike("Shimano", "Roadmaster", 20, "11111", 15, "Fair"));
    bikes.add(new Bike("Cannondale", "F2000 XTR", 18, "22222", 12, "Excellent"));
    bikes.add(new Bike("Trek", "6000", 19, "33333", 12.4, "Fair"));

public String toString( ) { return "RentABike: " + storeName; }

public List getBikes( ) { return bikes; }

public Bike getBike(String serialNo) {
    Iterator iter = bikes.iterator( );
    while(iter.hasNext( )) {
        Bike bike = (Bike)iter.next( );
        if(serialNo.equals(bike.getSerialNo( ))) return bike;
        return null;

And my RentABike-context.xml is this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


    <bean id="rentaBike" class="ArrayListRentABike">
        <property name="storeName"><value>"Bruce's Bikes"</value></property>

    <bean id="commandLineView" class="CommandLineView">
        <property name="rentaBike"><ref bean="rentaBike"/></property>


Any ideas please? Thanks a lot! Krt_Malta

like image 736
Krt_Malta Avatar asked Oct 14 '10 07:10


2 Answers

You're using setter injection but don't have a setter defined for attribute storeName. Either add a setter/getter for storeName or use constructor injection.

Since you already have a constructor defined that takes storeName as input i'd say change your RentABike-context.xml to the following:

<bean id="rentaBike" class="ArrayListRentABike">
    <constructor-arg index="0"><value>Bruce's Bikes</value></constructor-arg>
like image 140
Richard Kettelerij Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 01:10

Richard Kettelerij

Since the parameter passed to the constructor will initialize the storeName, you can use the constructor-arg element to set the storeName.

<bean id="rentaBike" class="ArrayListRentABike">
    <constructor-arg  value="Bruce's Bikes"/>

The constructor-arg elements allow to pass parameters to the constructor (surprise, surprise) of your spring bean.

like image 42
Peter Tillemans Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 02:10

Peter Tillemans