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Spring-batch metadata tables in different schema

I have a datasource that connects to an Oracle database in my application. Is it possible to access to another schema that includes the Spring-batch metadata tables through this datasource? The user of this datasource has all rights to access to the other schema.

I have already tried "tablePrefix" attribute of the JobRepository such as "Schema.batch_". But it does not work. Briefly, I search for the way to tell the Spring-batch to access to the metadata tables like "select ....from Schema.batch_.." not "select ...from batch_...".

like image 613
Softengilker Avatar asked Jun 23 '15 05:06


People also ask

Will Spring Batch creates it own metadata tables?

The meta table's scripts are stored in the spring-batch. jar , you need to create it manually. Run your Spring batch jobs again, those meta tables will be created automatically.

What is Spring Batch metadata tables?

Overview. The Spring Batch Metadata tables closely match the Domain objects that represent them in Java. For example, JobInstance , JobExecution , JobParameters , and StepExecution map to BATCH_JOB_INSTANCE , BATCH_JOB_EXECUTION , BATCH_JOB_EXECUTION_PARAMS , and BATCH_STEP_EXECUTION , respectively.

What is the basic structure of Spring Batch?

Basic structure of Spring BatchA single execution unit that summarises a series of processes for batch application in Spring Batch. Reusing a process, parallelization, conditional branching can be performed by dividing 1 job process in multiple steps.

Does Spring Batch need a database?

Spring Batch by default uses a database to store metadata on the configured batch jobs. In this example, we will run Spring Batch without a database. Instead, an in-memory Map based repository is used.

What are the Spring Batch metadata tables?

The Spring Batch Metadata tables closely match the Domain objects that represent them in Java. For example, JobInstance, JobExecution, JobParameters, and StepExecution map to BATCH_JOB_INSTANCE, BATCH_JOB_EXECUTION, BATCH_JOB_EXECUTION_PARAMS, and BATCH_STEP_EXECUTION, respectively.

What is spring batch batch?

Spring Batch Metadata Table on Different Schema of the Same DB This is an in-depth article related to the Spring Batch. Spring Batch Framework is an open-source library for batch processing. Batch Processing is the execution of a series of jobs.

What DataSource is used by the Spring Batch tables?

Show activity on this post. When using Spring Batch's @EnableBatchProcessing, the DataSource used by the Spring Batch tables is the one provided by the BatchConfigurer.

What is Spring Batch core jar?

Spring Batch Meta-Data ERD The Spring Batch Core JAR file contains example scripts to create the relational tables for a number of database platforms (which are, in turn, auto-detected by the job repository factory bean or namespace equivalent). These scripts can be used as is or modified with additional indexes and constraints as desired.

1 Answers

I faced the same issue since I want to keep application tables in one schema and batch tables in a separate one (using postgres).

tablePrefix didn't work for me either (I tried different cases - none of it solves the issue).

So finally I deciced to configure a separate DataSource for Spring Batch pointing to a batch schema. Here is how I did it.

In application.properties file I have standard props like spring.datasource.* which is used for the application as a primary datasource.

And props like spring.batch.datasource.* is non-standard and is a secondary datasource used only in the code provided below.

Here is example of application.properties file:



Then in BatchConfiguration.java which is a part of app sources I added getBatchDataSource method which reads spring.batch.datasource.* properties:

public class BatchConfiguration {

  public DataSource getBatchDataSource(){
    return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();



This makes Spring Batch to use a separate data source.

Now important thing is to setup spring.batch.datasource.* correctly:

For Postgres 9.4 you can specify schema in the connection URL using currentSchema parameter: jdbc:postgresql://host:port/db?currentSchema=batch

For Postgres before 9.4 you can specify schema in the connection URL using searchpath parameter: jdbc:postgresql://host:port/db?searchpath=batch

Or you can create a separate postgres user/role for batch schema and setup search_path for that user: ALTER USER BATCH_DB_USER SET search_path to 'batch';

In Oracle each user has their own schema (as far as i know) and no way to set schema in the connection URL like for postgres (I may be wrong): jdbc:oracle:thin:@//host:port/sid

So you need to create a separate user for batch schema in Oracle. Another way is to use spring.batch.datasource.validation-query=ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA=batch (I didn't try this)

So in this way Spring Batch uses a separate datasource configured to use dedicated batch schema. Batch queries still look like select ...from batch_... however it runs against batch schema. And application is using regular datasource pointing to an application dedicated schema app.

This solution was tested using Spring Boot v1.2.5.RELEASE and Postgres 9.4.1

Hope this helps.

like image 54
alextunyk Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 11:09
