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What is the best practice for handling multiple profiles in Spring with java config?




On a project I'm currently working on we have the need for multiple profiles, i.e. "default" and "test". To solve this, we've implemented a main context class, ApplicationContext.java, with 2 public static inner classes: one of them defines the default profile, the other defines the test profile. Our web.xml is set to target ApplicationContext.java.

Code as follows:

//import common beans
public class ApplicationContext {

  public static class DefaultContext {
    //default beans

  public static class TestContext {
    //test beans


My problem with this is that the main context class, ApplicationContext.java, is in the production environment (i.e. src/main/java) with references to files in the test environment. If there is a better way to define these profiles without introducing this dependency from production code to test code, that would of course be preferable.

We`ve tested these cases with a jetty instance in a test class, started from a main method. This instance is run with the following command:

System.setProperty("spring.profiles.active", "test");
like image 581
Jarle Svendsrud Avatar asked Apr 09 '13 13:04

Jarle Svendsrud

1 Answers

If all the beans are common between your profiles (that is, both DefaultContext and TestContext contains the same bean definitions), define an interface for the dependencies, e.g:

public interface SystemConfiguration {

    public DataSource getDataSource();
    public SomeService getService();


Then implement each profile with this interface:

public class ProductionConfiguration implements SystemConfiguration {
    public DataSource getDataSource() {
         // create and return production datasource

    public SomeService getService() {
        // Create and return production service

And then do the same for test.

public class TestConfiguration implements SystemConfiguration {
    public DataSource getDataSource() {
         // create and return dummy datasource

    public SomeService getService() {
        // Create and return dummy service

Then you can inject this into your main configuration:

public class ApplicationContext {
    private SystemConfiguration systemConfiguration;

like image 183
NilsH Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 13:11
