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Spring annotation conditionalOnBean not working

I defined a class with annotation Configuration

    public class EndpointConfiguration {
        private MetricsEndpoint metricsEndpoint;

        public MetricsFormatEndpoint metricsFormatEndpoint() {
            return new MetricsFormatEndpoint(metricsEndpoint);

the MetricsFormatEndpoint works well.

but I use the annotation conditionalOnBean, it doesn't work at all.

    public MetricsFormatEndpoint metricsFormatEndpoint() {
        return new MetricsFormatEndpoint(metricsEndpoint);

see the localhost:8080/beans,the spring applicationContext has the bean 'metricsEndpoint',

     "resource":"class path resource 

I read the document of the annotation @ConditionalOnBean, it says The class type of bean that should be checked. The condition matches when any of the classes specified is contained in the {@link ApplicationContext}.

who can tell me why

like image 259
zhangzhide Avatar asked Aug 04 '15 02:08


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1 Answers

The javadoc for @ConditionalOnBean describes it as:

Conditional that only matches when the specified bean classes and/or names are already contained in the BeanFactory.

In this case, the key part is "already contained in the BeanFactory". Your own configuration classes are considered before any auto-configuration classes. This means that the auto-configuration of the MetricsEndpoint bean hasn't happened by the time that your own configuration is checking for its existence and, as a result, your MetricsFormatEndpoint bean isn't created.

One approach to take would be to create your own auto-configuration class for your MetricsFormatEndpoint bean and annotate it with @AutoConfigureAfter(EndpointAutoConfiguration.class). That will ensure that its conditions are evaluated after the MetricsEndpoint bean has been defined.

like image 105
Andy Wilkinson Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 21:09

Andy Wilkinson