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How to Autowire conditionally in spring boot?

I have created one scheduler class

public class TestSchedulderNew {

@Scheduled(fixedDelay = 3000)
public void fixedRateJob1() {
System.out.println("Job 1 running");

@Scheduled(fixedDelay = 3000)
public void fixedRateJob2() {
System.out.println("Job 2 running");

In configuration i have put @ConditionalOnProperty annotation to enable this on conditional purpose.

@ConditionalOnProperty(value = "jobs.enabled")
public TestSchedulderNew testSchedulderNew() {
return new TestSchedulderNew();

Now in controller, i have created "stopScheduler" method to stop those scheduler , in this controller i have autowired TestSchedulderNew class

 public class TestCont {

private static final String SCHEDULED_TASKS = "testSchedulderNew";

 private ScheduledAnnotationBeanPostProcessor postProcessor;    /]

 private TestSchedulderNew testSchedulderNew;

 @GetMapping(value = "/stopScheduler")
 public String stopSchedule(){
  return "OK";

Now the problem is if conditional property is false then i get below exception

   Field testSchedulderNew in com.sbill.app.web.rest.TestCont required a bean of type 'com.sbill.app.schedulerJob.TestSchedulderNew

In case of true everything works fine,

Do we have any option to solve this ?

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user1731485 Avatar asked Aug 26 '19 10:08


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1 Answers

You can use @Autowired(required=false) and null check in stopScheduler method.

 private TestSchedulderNew testSchedulderNew;

 @GetMapping(value = "/stopScheduler")
 public String stopSchedule() {
     if (testSchedulderNew != null) {
         return "OK";
     return "NOT_OK";
like image 116
shazin Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 04:10
