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URLDecoder is converting '+' into space

I have a hash key in one of my query params which can have + char with other special chars. The issue is when this URL is getting decoded URLDecoder converts + char into space. Is there a way we can enforce URLDecoder not to convert '+' into space.

like image 755
Nighthacks Avatar asked Apr 12 '17 17:04


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html.” Spaces and other characters that aren't allowed in a URL must be encoded using a percent sign and the hexadecimal value assigned to the character in the ISO-Latin character set. A space is assigned number 32, which is 20 in hexadecimal.

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1 Answers

Do this on your string before decoding:

String plusEncoded = yourString.replaceAll("\\+", "%2b")

The decoder will then show + where it should've been

like image 56
mehulmpt Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 09:09
